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"There's regular prices, I suppose," she said. "Broken toe, broken ankle, broken leg each one so much. Is that it?" Doctor Ralph was seized with a violent fit of coughing. "How much is ankles?" demanded his inquisitor. "I'll leave that all to you, Miss Hitty," said Ralph, when he recovered his composure. "You can pay me whatever you think is right."

It was while he was trying to decide which was the shortest route to the river that a Russian colonel from Krasnoe arrived, as an envoy, and demanded that Ney should surrender.

When once the French had evolved a system, with true propagandist spirit they wished to foist it on others. "With cannon for treaties and millions of freemen as ambassadors," they demanded that the feet of all nations should keep step with the march of what they deemed liberty.

"By your face," he replied, boldly; "by your eyes." "Nanny," exclaimed the Egyptian, "did you hear what the minister said?" "Woe is me," answered Nanny, "I missed it." "He says he would know me anywhere by my eyes." "So would I mysel'," said Nanny. "Then what colour are they, Mr. Dishart?" demanded Babbie. "Don't speak, Nanny, for I want to expose him." She closed her eyes tightly.

'They fought till their hand to the broadsword was glued, They fought against fortune with hearts unsubdued. Do not come at such a moment, when my head is full of plaids, pibrochs, and claymores, and ask my reason to admit what, I am afraid, it cannot deny I mean, that the public advantage peremptorily demanded that these things should cease to exist.

It occurs to me further that he has merely had the wit to put in blunt, brutal words what so many of us declare with academic flourishes. We can all name a dozen treatises written by theologians ostensibly orthodox which actually justify his utterances. It seems to me, then, that we may profit by his blasphemies." "How?" demanded Whittaker, with some bluntness.

He recovered himself shortly, however, and demanded sharply, "What are you doing here, making all this mess?" "I'm trying to carry out Mr Durfy's instructions," replied Reginald, leaning on his broom, and not at all displeased at the interruption. "Durfy's instructions? What do you mean, sir?" "Mr Durfy's " "That will do.

"The idea," she said, and after a moment: "I should think you'd have enough pride to stop it." "How can I?" he demanded. "I'm not going to argue with you," she retorted. "But there's a right way of doing things and a wrong way. If you've made up your mind to be different from everybody else, I don't suppose I can stop you, but I really don't think it's very considerate."

Franklin Pierce, however, resigned his seat in the Senate in 1842, on account of the interests of his family, alleging that "he would never enter public life again, unless the needs of his country imperatively demanded it," yet four years later he organized a regiment for the invasion of Mexico, not only for making war upon a republic, but an unjust and indefensible war.

"Nay, Matilda, that coldness arose not from any change in my feelings towards yourself I was piqued, disappointed, even angry, at the extraordinary escape of my prisoner, and could not sufficiently play the hypocrite to disguise my annoyance." "Yet, what had I to do with the man's escape, that his offence should be visited upon me?" she demanded, quickly.