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The Apostle answers the first charge with a flat denial, with the remark that as the whole affair was less than a fortnight old the truth could easily be ascertained, and that the time was very short for the Jews to have 'found' him such a dangerous conspirator, and with the obviously unanswerable demand for proof to back up the charge.

If such a niece attacked me, I should surrender at the first demand." "I don't think you would" a little tartly. "I think you have as keen a regard for your own interest as most men." "I am sure you would despise me if I had not, and the idea of being despised by you is intolerable." "You know I do not" very softly. "But it is time I turned and went toward home." "Nonsense, my dear Mrs.

Because" and here he raised his voice still more angrily "I demand from any one united to me, the Emperor, by whatever bond "

In time of war there is sure to be demand, under pressure, of fright, for the ships to be scattered so as to defend all kind of ports. Under penalty of terrible disaster, this demand must be refused. The ships must be kept together, and their objective made the enemies' fleet.

The improvement of appliances, the extension of battle fields, the confidence to the infantry and the audacity to the artillery that the immediate support of the cavalry gives, demand that this arm be in every division in sufficient force for efficient action. I, therefore, think it desirable for a cavalry regiment to be at the disposal of a general commanding a division.

Cotter, I should say, carry out your intention as far as making a clean breast of it is concerned. Happily, you are free from debt, as those IOUs are worthless, for they were obtained from you by cheating, therefore you have no demand to make upon his purse.

The interest of the circle visibly increases; and others take such a part in the transaction that I begin to doubt if the first man is, after all, the proprietor. At length I select two oranges, and again demand the price. There is a little consultation and jabber, when I am told that I can have both for a franc.

And it is this merely intellectual or sentimental holding of the truth about God and Christ, about Holiness and Heaven, which makes the ungodly mass look upon Christianity as nothing more than an opinion or a trade; a something with which they have no concern. The new Century will demand something more than this.

One asked him if he repented. “I can never repent of virtue,” he said. They sentenced him to die; and finding that his mother and grandmother were trying to stir up the people to demand that he should be heard in public, they sent the executioners at once to put him to death.

Let me first conjure up the seventy-seven great and the seven hundred and seventy-seven little demons. They will do their duty, if you open your heart to us without reserve." This demand sounded urgent enough, and Ledscha pressed her head against the old woman's shoulder as if seeking assistance, exclaiming: "I can not no, I can not!