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Lady Archie said that the motto of Lady Sellingworth's life at that period was 'after me the deluge, and that she had so dinned it into the ears of her friends that when she let her hair grow white they all instinctively put up umbrellas." "And yet the deluge never came." "It never does. I could almost wish it would." "Now?" "No; after me."

I believe that if I should ever be so fortunate as to own an automobile I'd want to fly like this every minute of the time I was in it." As she spoke, they swept beneath the overhanging rocks, and a great curtain of Virginia creeper and trumpet-vine fell behind them, half screening them from the road, and from the deluge which now broke more fiercely.

And the lines came in from the east and from the west and deluged them.... Propped on my elbow, I saw them go down in the deluge of the obedient watched until the blood went out and blurred the picture. But I saw enough in that darkening that there was fine sanity in their dying. I wished that I could die with them. It was not slaughter, but martyrdom.

The waters of the Deluge might have left it but a week ago, so choked with slime and matted growth was the hideous swamp which bore that name. A man advanced towards them when they landed, walking slowly, leaning on a stick. "Strangers!" he exclaimed. "The very same," said Mark. "How are you, sir?" "I've had the fever very bad," he answered faintly. "I haven't stood upright these many weeks.

He was followed by a young woman who was laughing merrily, as if much amused by the persistence of the downpour. By way of jesting, indeed, she expressed her regret that she had not come to the Bois on her bicycle, whereupon her companion retorted that to drive about in a deluge appeared to him the height of idiocy. "But we were bound to go somewhere, my dear fellow," she gaily answered.

The good fathers conceived the project of enlightening and evangelizing the world by purging of its paganism all the vellum in Europe; and, being much intent on their object, they succeeded in it to an amazing extent. "A second deluge learning did o'errun, And the monks finished what the Goths begun." Our readers have often seen with what rapidity a fog swallows up a landscape.

Now food abounds and superabounds; henceforth neither drought nor deluge can work their evil will; insect foes, as well as may be, are kept at bay; there is room in plenty instead of dismal overcrowding. The grateful plant repays the care bestowed upon it by bursting into a sportiveness unsuspected, and indeed impossible, amidst the alarms and frays incessant in the wilderness.

Another and another he saw, with growing wonder, as he ran; before he reached home he passed some six or eight, and had begun to think whether a second deluge of the whole world might not be at hand, commencing this time with Scotland.

Although the camp was pitched on comparatively high and rocky ground, the deluge was so great that in the course of ten minutes nearly everything was afloat. So furious was the wind that the tents were either thrown down or blown to ribbons. During the storm three of the Indian tents, or lodges, were struck by lightning.

"It is well the order to bivouac in this deluge has been countermanded, for we would certainly have been drowned like rats," said one of the two officers, who were marching a little in advance. "Yet almost anything would have been preferable to taking up our quarters with these pious people, whom I doubt will give us any sort of a welcome.