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And on the other side of the road we read "The people dedicate the Delphinium to Apollo and to Titus." Moreover even in our own times a priest of Titus is chosen by show of hands, who offers sacrifice to him. After the libations they sing a specially-written poem, too long for quotation from which we extract the following verses:

Lost in the swirl of his thoughts and the exhilaration of light and colour, he forgot all about tea-time.... It was after five when, at last, he swung round the yew hedge on to the long lawn; and there, at the far end, was Tara, evidently sent out to find him. She was wearing her delphinium frock and the big blue hat with its single La France rose.

Flowers we would have pretty much every-where hollyhocks in odd corners; delphinium and foxglove along the stone walls; bunches of calliopsis and bleeding-heart and peonies; borders of phlox and alyssum; beds of sweet-williams and corn-flowers and columbines all those lovely, old-fashioned things, with the loveliest old-fashioned names in the world.

At this distance, she looked not a day older than on that critical occasion, when he had realised her for the first time; only more fragile a shade too fragile. It hurt him. He felt responsible. And again, to-day very clever of her she was wearing a delphinium blue frock; a shady hat that drooped half over her face. No pink rose, however and he was thankful.

It had a broad mossy bowling-green, and round about it were creeper-covered arbors amidst beds of snap-dragon, and hollyhock, and blue delphinium, and many such tall familiar summer flowers. These stood out against a background of laurels and holly, and above these again rose the gables of the inn and its signpost a white-horsed George slaying the dragon against copper beeches under the sky.

Trees rose high above the small house, and inside the fence were tall spires of delphinium, bluer than the sky. "The flowers iss so pretty," said Nico. "And on the porch behind of the vines is a chicken in a gold cage," cried Vicente. Rose-Ellen folded her lips over a giggle, for the chicken was a canary. Just then a head popped up behind a red rosebush.

Seedlings of such perennials as Hollyhock, Delphinium, and other plants of similar character, ought to be transplanted to the places they are to occupy next season by the last of September. If care is taken not to disturb their roots when you lift them they will receive no check.

Jasmine stood and stared at her sister in amazement. So also did Gentian and Rose and Delphinium. What could be the matter with their flower maid, their darling? On their return home they were greeted by the information that the master was away on business, and that Miss Hollyhock was upstairs. 'In bed, I take it, said old Duncan.

This I much doubt, because the animal never frequents those very lofty regions where the herbs supposed to provide the scent are found, nor have I ever seen signs of any having been so rooted up. The Delphinium glaciale smells strongly and disagreeably of musk, but it is one of the most alpine plants in the world, growing at an elevation of 17,000 feet, far above the limits of the Kosturah.

"Golden Glow" Rudbeckia is quite as strong a grower as the Delphinium, and a more prolific bloomer does not exist. It will literally cover itself with flowers of the richest golden yellow, resembling in shape and size those of the "decorative" type of Dahlia.