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Richling did not get back to the Doctor's house until night had fallen and the sky was set aglare by seven miles' length of tortuous harbor front covered with millions' worth of burning merchandise. The city was being evacuated. Dr. Sevier and he had but few words. Richling was dejected from weariness, and his friend weary with dejections.

I can remember a Sister, short, plain, with red hair, who felt that she was treated with insufficient dignity, whose voice rising in complaint is with me now; I can see her small red-rimmed eyes watching for some insult and then the curl of her lip as she snatched her opportunity.... Or there was the jolly, fat Sister who had travelled with us, an admirable worker, but a woman, apparently, with no personal life at all, no excitements, dreads, angers, dejections.

Yet God, who knows our frames, will not expect that when we are weak we should be strong. This is much comfort under my deep dejections." And in a letter to Doctor Tillotson she said: "Submission and prayer are all we know that we can do towards our own relief in our distresses. The scene will soon alter to that peaceful and eternal home in prospect."

All authorities agree that poisoning by these substances cannot be proved, or even rendered, very probable, by symptoms alone that chemical evidence, the discovery of the poison in the food, dejections, or in case of death the body, is absolutely essential for making out a case.

"Why, Calliope," I said, "can't the grandma ladies come, after all?" Yes, they could come; they were coming. "You are never sorry you asked them?" I pressed her. No. Oh, no; she was glad she had asked them. "Something is wrong, though," I said sadly thinking what a blessed thing it is to be so joyous a spirit that one's dejections are bound to be taken seriously.