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It rarely constitutes any obstruction and, even when its rupturing may be necessary, it alone seldom causes suffering. There are sometimes certain deformities of the vagina, but no woman should knowingly seek matrimonial relations when thus afflicted. We quote from Dr. C.A. Huff the following: 10. "WHAT IS IT, THEN, THAT USUALLY CAUSES distress to many women, whether a bride or a long-time wife?"

Though we may speak contemptuously of the Indians who flatten their heads, and of the Chinese who cramp their toes, we have only to look at the deformities of fashion amongst ourselves, to see that the reign of "Mrs. Grundy" is universal. But moral cowardice is exhibited quite as much in public as in private life.

Do not believe you can remove wrinkles by filling in the crevices with powder. Give your face a Russian bath every night; that is, bathe it with water so hot that you wonder how you can bear it, and then, a minute after, with moderately cold water, that will make your face glow with warmth; dry it with a soft towel. PHYSICAL DEFORMITIES. Masquerading is a modern accomplishment.

So far from regarding the rough and rugged rocks as deformities, we look on them as ornaments. So far from appearing to us as an evil, they appear a good. Even the impassable morasses, and the deserts of barren sands may have their use.

Distortions of the legs, knees bent inwards and feet bent outwards, deformities of the spinal column and other malformations, appear the more readily in constitutions thus weakened, in consequence of the almost universally constrained position during work; and they are so frequent that in Yorkshire and Lancashire, as in Northumberland and Durham, the assertion is made by many witnesses, not only by physicians, that a miner may be recognised by his shape among a hundred other persons.

*Prevention of Skeletal Deformities.*—Those deformities of the skeleton that are acquired through improper positions are prevented by giving sufficient attention to the positions assumed in sitting, standing, and sleeping, and also to the posture in various kinds of work. In sitting the trunk should be erect and the hips should touch the back of the chair.

The inferiour characters, as they are of less importance, are less accurately delineated; the picture of Harley is, at least, partially drawn: all the deformities are heightened, and the beauties, for beauties of mind he certainly had, are entirely omitted. The first effect, which this book has upon the reader, is that of disgusting him with the author's vanity.

Corporations and local bodies, thus deprived of, or diverted from, their purpose, had become unrecognisable under the crust of the abuses which disfigured them; nobody, except a Montesquieu, could comprehend why they should exist. On the approach of the revolution they seemed, not organs, but excrescences, deformities, and, so to say, superannuated monstrosities.

I am Sir, 'Your affectionate friend, I wrote to him at different dates; regretted that I could not come to London this spring, but hoped we should meet somewhere in the summer; mentioned the state of my affairs, and suggested hopes of some preferment; informed him, that as The Beauties of Johnson had been published in London, some obscure scribbler had published at Edinburgh what he called The deformities of Johnson.