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She patiently tried to take care of them, but in thought and feeling she could not enter into their life as had been her custom. Belle was too young and giddy for responsibility, and Mildred had many a weary chase after the little explorers. In spite of his clearly defined policy of indifference, Roger found himself watching her on such occasions with a growing interest.

Her hair was blue wherever the light touched it, and it encircled the white prominent temple like a piece of rich black velvet; a dark shadow defined the delicate nose, and hinted at thin indecision of lips, whilst a broad touch of white marked the weak but not unbeautiful chin. On the corner of the table lay a book, a well-worn volume in a faded red paper cover.

Volition defined. Motions termed involuntary are caused by volition. Desires opposed to each other. Deliberation. Ass between two hay-cocks. Saliva swallowed against one's desire. Voluntary motions distinguished from those associated with sensitive motions. 2. Pains from excess, and from defect of motion.

"I wish you would not use that word 'protection, Claudia. It is an equivocal one." "Then it is the better suited to describe the relation, which is certainly most equivocal!" Claudia, in spite of all her resolutions, could not for the life of her help replying. "It is false! And I will not permit you to say it. The position of Mrs. Dugald is not an equivocal one. It is clearly defined.

Temperance may, in its narrower sense, be defined as the observance of a rational medium with respect to the pleasures of eating and drinking. But it has also a larger meaning. The temperate man desires to hold all his pleasures within the limits of what is honorable, and with a proper reference to the amount of his own pecuniary means. To pursue them more is excess; to pursue them less is defect.

But when we bear in mind that almost every species, even in its metropolis, would increase immensely in numbers, were it not for other competing species; that nearly all either prey on or serve as prey for others; in short, that each organic being is either directly or indirectly related in the most important manner to other organic beings we see that the range of the inhabitants of any country by no means exclusively depends on insensibly changing physical conditions, but in large part on the presence of other species, on which it lives, or by which it is destroyed, or with which it comes into competition; and as these species are already defined objects, not blending one into another by insensible gradations, the range of any one species, depending as it does on the range of others, will tend to be sharply defined.

The "learned lexicographer" and pedantic old bore, by the way Doctor Johnson, defined the individual in question to be "one who prepares or revises any literary work for publication;" and, we generally associate the name with the supreme head of a journalistic staff he who is addressed indignantly as "sir" by those weak-minded persons who write letters to newspapers, and who signs himself familiarly "Ed."

As to the mere suicide, love ever finds refuge in presumed madness; but all of her school believed that at the moment of dissolution the fate is eternally fixed either for bliss or woe, determined by the one or the other of two vaguely defined attitudes of the mental being towards certain propositions; concerning which attitudes they were at least right in asserting that no man could of himself assume the safe one.

"Well," said our solemn friend, caressing his whiskers, "as to its practical effect, my dear Miss Grey, why, I am afraid that in such bitter matters as these the practical value of sympathy, or of international law, is er cannot very easily be defined." "Quite so. Exactly as I thought. It would not make one pennyworth of difference, Mr. Poole-Smith.

The excess is ambition, the deficiency is the lack of it; but here terminology fails us. Friendliness comes between the excessive desire to please and boorishness. It is a social virtue which might be defined as goodwill plus tact. In the social display of wit and humour, there is a marked mean between the buffoon and the dullard or prig.