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Maud looked very beautiful with the light falling on her sculptured chin, her fair neck, and white hands, set off by the deep shadows of the mourning dress she wore. I believe he was going to begin by saying "it had been a fine day," but she stopped him in her clear, cold voice, with its patrician accent, so difficult to define, yet so impossible to mistake. "I have to thank you, Mr.

But, lest a layman's judgment might be considered insufficient, the treatise was submitted by the writer to one of the most learned of our theological experts, the same who once informed a church dignitary, who had been attempting to define his theological position, that he was a Eutychian, a fact which he seems to have been no more aware of than M. Jourdain was conscious that he had been speaking prose all his life.

It has always struck me that there is something highly poetical about a forge. I am not singular in this opinion: various individuals have assured me that they can never pass by one, even in the midst of a crowded town, without experiencing sensations which they can scarcely define, but which are highly pleasurable.

At the last, having reached our final standing ground, we must look back in order that we may clearly define the lessons and ultimate values of the whole doctrine of evolution. Ethics is the science of duty. It is usually restricted to an examination of purely human obligations, and to a search for the reasons why men should do certain things and refrain from committing other acts.

To know God better is only to realise more fully how impossible it is that we should ever know him at all. I cannot tell which is the more childish to deny him, or to attempt to define him. Scylla and Charybdis They are everywhere. Just now coming up Great Russell Street I loitered outside a print shop. There they were as usual Hogarth's Idle and Virtuous Apprentices.

"I thought he had enough o' our kind o' medicine not to want ter tackle us so soon again," said Bud. "I don't like the looks of that gang," said Ted. "Neither do I," said Stella. "I've a hunch that they mean mischief." "In what way?" asked Ted. "Well, I can't exactly define the feeling I have, but somehow I think they don't want us." "Eh? Whom do they want?"

I desire it may be observed, that, by the will, I mean nothing but the internal impression we feel, and are conscious of, when we knowingly give rise to any new motion of our body, or new perception of our mind. This impression, like the preceding ones of pride and humility, love and hatred, 'tis impossible to define, and needless to describe any further."

How distinctly these words of our text define the region within which our prayers should ever move, and the limits which bound their efficacy! They remind God. Then the truest prayer is that which bases itself on God's uttered will, and the desires which are born of our own fancies or heated enthusiasms have no power with Him. The prayer that prevails is a reflected promise.

Nothing will contribute more to harmonious adjustment for these sufferers than recognition of the fact that we are all, more or less, partial hermaphrodites. The complete or total hermaphrodite we define as the individual who possesses the reproductive organs of the male and the female, both testes and ovaries.

Calm and severe, he saw in Napoleon only Taine's 'condottiere' who kicked Volney in the stomach. Everybody wished to define the true Napoleon.