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Miss Gladden watched Lyle now, as she came up the mountain path, as fleet of foot and graceful in every motion as a deer, her head thrown proudly back, her wavy hair rippling over her shoulders to her waist, and shining in the sunlight like fine spun gold.

Tom gave me a beautiful guanaco-skin robe, and the children presented me with two ostrich rugs. The guanaco is a kind of large deer, and it is said that the robes made from its skin are the warmest in the world.

This is the only way in which the deer parks of England are kept safe for unarmed people. Dr. T.S. Palmer has taken much pains to ascertain the number of deer killed in the eastern United States.

Then at last, one day as I feasted after hunting the red deer on the Quantocks, my steward came into my hall announcing messengers from the king.

Accordingly about 5 o'clock found him walking up the broad avenue, on either side of which were browsing deer in great numbers a very novel feature to anyone who for years had only seen such creatures wild excepting one time when but no I must withhold the temptation to wander off the broad avenue which leads the visitor up to the stately pile in front of him as, like he did a little further on, I would wish to get it over.

He was picking his teeth with some mysterious talisman of a bone, selected from the forepaw of a deer, and gazing at the heavens as at a fond familiar brother. "Won't you set down a spa-ll," he said, and the way he said spell suggested pleasing epochs of rest.

Oh, I got the right description; a thousand acres west of a line from Deer Key there to the Cypress Swamp. Want to look at the deed? Give you our lawyer's address if you do." "Who is your lawyer?" "Big Tom Connors, Washington, D. C. And if it'll make you feel any better why, he's a law partner of Senator Fairclothe."

On occasion he accompanied Dede and Daylight on deer hunts through the wild canons and over the rugged steeps of Hood Mountain, though more often Dede and Daylight were out alone. This riding was one of their chief joys. Every wrinkle and crease in the hills they explored, and they came to know every secret spring and hidden dell in the whole surrounding wall of the valley.

The monkey, deer, wild-boar, wild-sheep and any other big game caught in traps they just burn at the fire without taking the trouble to skin the animal, and then they eat it nearly raw. They season the meat with salt, when they have any, which is not often, and with a capsicum that sets your mouth on fire.

If he is fool enough, we thought, not to know any better, having passed all his life among deer, and claiming, moreover, a patrimony of five hundred head, surely it was needless to interrupt by our surmises his preconcerted plans.