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"He that reacheth deepest seeth the amiable and admirable, secrets of the law," and thus may the student "proceed in his reading with alacrity, and set upon and know how to work into with delight these rough mines of hidden treasure."

All she wanted now was some good Christian to guide her out of the wild forest. Would no one come with her? that was all she asked." And so she went on crying, and lamenting in the deepest grief. Summa.

They carried me on their broad shoulders, stuffed me with lollies and made a general pet of me. Without the quiver of a nerve I swung down their deepest shafts in the big bucket on the end of a rope attached to a rough windlass, which brought up the miners and the mullock. My brothers and sisters contracted mumps, measles, scarlatina, and whooping-cough.

Her husband, the Marquis Gianfrancesco, had naturally been included in the invitation, but as a close ally of the Venetians he did not think it politic to appear at the wedding of Lodovico Sforza. The Signory of Venice were known to look coldly on this alliance between Ferrara and Milan, and entertained the deepest distrust of Lodovico's policy.

Whatever remnants of the old high-handed arrogance were still within him, he did penance for his deepest sin that night and it may be that to this day some impressionable, overworked woman in a "kitchenette," after turning out the light will seem to see a young man kneeling in the darkness, shaking convulsively, and, with arms outstretched through the wall, clutching at the covers of a shadowy bed.

The university charter, gift of the Pope in 1451, gave absolute authority within the area of its buildings, and the Professors resolved to give our hero shelter there the best day's work they ever did. May they ever be remembered for this with feelings of deepest gratitude. What men these were!

Then I was brought into the deepest distress and perplexity of soul, to think that after my experience of conversion, and all I had done for the conversion of others, I was still such a vile, self-condemned sinner.

The sky was of the deepest azure; innumerable stars were distinguished with unusual clearness from this elevation, many of which twinkled behind the fir- trees edging the promontories. White, grey, and darkish clouds came marching towards the moon, that shone full against a range of cliffs, which lift themselves far above the others.

This unhappy woman had only doubled the quotation for eggs, had been convicted of breaking the code, and had suffered death in consequence. Since I have referred to adultery, let me point out a situation that does not reflect particular credit on so-called civilization. Before the white man came to Africa chastity was held in deepest reverence. The usual punishment for infidelity was death.

With expressions of the deepest respect, and hoping that my stock may be in good condition when you take possession, I am, dear sir, ever devotedly yours, HOWARD ALGERNON LEDUC BARRON. Miss Laura dropped the paper. "Uncle, did he leave those animals to starve?" "Didn't you notice," said Mr.