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On the road beyond stood a wagon with a couple of spanking bays in it. On the platform stood a broad-shouldered, deep-chested, short-legged farmer with a face like the sun, and a wide-awake on the back of his bald head. "Mr Merryboy, I presume?" said the Guardian, descending from the car. "The same. Glad to see you. Are these my boys?"

Then she went to the round, old-fashioned mirror that hung between the windows of her room, and combed back her hair in a great roll from her forehead and temples, and stood there a moment or so when she had done, looking at her reflection. She was tall and of a very vigorous build, full-throated, deep-chested, with large, strong hands and solid, round wrists.

It was a fine animal, clean-built, deep-chested, one of the mustang stock descended from the Arabs brought over by Pizarro. Sang watched fearfully from the slant of the kitchen window. Jed Parker, even, listened for the beat of the horse's hoofs. But Senor Johnson stood stock-still, his brain absolutely numb and empty. His hand brushed against something which fell, to the ground.

The young girl, fair and slender as the wild flowers clinging to the rocks at their feet, yet with a poise of conscious strength; the man at her side, broad-shouldered, deep-chested, strong-limbed; his face dark with despair, hers lighted with hope.

The man who had so unceremoniously commanded the artist's attention stood a little above six feet in height, and was of that deep-chested, lean, but full-muscled build that so often marks the mountain bred. He wore no coat. At his hip, a heavy Colt revolver hung in its worn holster from a full, loosely buckled, cartridge belt.

In this connection it may be said that it has been observed that deep-chested, deep-breathing, slow-speaking people are frequently possessed of certain estimable points of character, such as prudence, firmness, self-reliance, calmness. If one is going to be angry, ten deep breaths might save a world of trouble. Thumb, Bruised and Broken.

It will be recalled that I was in front of him, but I turned rather quickly. Instantly there were wild outcries from the others, who had started toward the main, or living house. "He's killed Charles!" I heard Mrs. Belknap-Jackson scream; then came the deep-chested rumble of the Mixer, "Jackson kicked him first!" They ran for us.

From the quarter decks of our clippers, those marvels of cleanliness and speed, he told how those miraculous captains had issued their orders to Yankee sailors, brawny, deep-chested, keen-eyed and strong-limbed. He told what perils they had faced far out on the Atlantic "the Roaring Forties" those waters were called! "Yes, boy, in those days ships had men!"

But I am willing to do what I can for Kent." "Owing him a good turn?" said Portia, with malice aforethought. Ormsby's laugh was an Englishman's deep-chested haw-haw. "So he has been making you his confidante in that, too, has he?" "There was no confidence needed," she retorted. "I have eyes; and, to use one of your own pet phrases, I was not born yesterday.

Everything about him was vital to a point that was so remarkable as to be not actually unnatural but very near the unnatural. She glanced at him again. He was a big man, but very thin. Her experienced eyes of an athletic woman told her that he was capable of great and prolonged muscular exertion. He was big-boned and deep-chested, and had nervous as well as muscular strength.