United States or Bolivia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Roused from his reverie by this quaint and unexpected declamation, Philip turned his quick glance at his neighbour. He saw a man of great bulk and immense physical power broad-shouldered deep-chested not corpulent, but taking the same girth from bone and muscle that a corpulent man does from flesh. He wore a blue coat frogged, braided, and buttoned to the throat.

They seemed very near to the edges of the alley walls, to be especially visiting it with their detached regard, peering down for some small divine occasion for influence. Sheila prayed to them a desperate prayer of human helplessness. "Hey, you girl there! Hi! Hey!" These exclamations called in a resonant, deep-chested voice succeeded at last in attracting Sheila's attention.

Giants of 6 feet 8 inches are by no means uncommon; in fact, a few such men will be seen in every town. The average height is quite 5 feet 10 or 11 inches, broad-shouldered and deep-chested, with pleasant faces.

And her snow white dress of misty lace over shining satin, and her gleaming pearls and sparkling diamonds, set off her beauty well. Vincent was a fine specimen of the young English gentleman tall, broad-chouldered, deep-chested; with a stately head; a fair, roseate complexion; light-brown, curling hair and beard; and clear, blue eyes.

Across the yard a great passenger engine, its huge white side-rod rising and falling slowly in the still light of the moon one of the mountain racers, thick-necked like an athlete and deep-chested was backing down for the run with the single car almost across the west end of the division. Trainmen were running to and from the Wickiup platform.

The motor required another week of coaxing; all Ken's mechanical ingenuity was needed, and he sat before the engine, sometimes, dejected and indignant. But when the last tinkering was over, when frantic spinnings of the flywheel at length called forth a feeble gasp and deep-chested gurgle from the engine, Ken clapped his dirty hands and danced alone on the rocks like a madman.

So when Winkleman came swashbuckling up the hill M'tela was prepared. The blue-black beard and hearty, deep-chested carriage of the Bavarian impressed him greatly. "But this is a great bwana, papa," he said to Kingozi. "Like you and me." "This is the prisoner of which I spoke to you," said Kingozi in a loud voice.

But as "Hail Columbia" belongs to all Americans, the Cobbers elected to flash their bunting, too. Suddenly the music paused. Then came pressing contempt for the hostile eleven: "All coons look alike to me!" Cobber's friends took the hint in an instant. To a man the visiting delegation arose, hurling out the Cobber yell in round, deep-chested notes.

"Mebbe so, mebbe so," said Jimmy, returning to Imber, who still demanded the chief man of the white men. He was a stalwart young fellow, broad-shouldered, deep-chested, legs cleanly built and stretched wide apart, and tall though Imber was, he towered above him by half a head.

He had the round, deep-chested, big-hearted, well-coupled body of the ideal mountain pony, and his head and neck were true thoroughbred, slender, yet full, with lovely alert ears not too small to be vicious nor too large to be stubborn mulish. And his legs and feet were lovely too, unblemished, sure and firm, with long springy pasterns that made him a wonder of ease under the saddle."