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I swung my legs over the side of my berth and sat forward, as he was sitting, all attention. The inner door, a grating, was shut and bolted, and curtained like the open porthole. "We shall be at Genoa before sunset," continued Raffles. "It's the place where the deed's got to be done." "So you still mean to do it?" "Did I ever say I didn't?" "You have said so little either way."

"The king' look'd o'-ver his left' shoul-der', And a grim' look look'-ed hee', Earl Mar'-shal, he said', but for' my oath' Or hang'-ed thou' shouldst bee'." "Well, that's what we'll do," said Fairway. "We'll give 'em a song, an' it please the Lord. What's the good of Thomasin's cousin Clym a-coming home after the deed's done?

And my sister was thus nobly, thus illustriously wedded. O God! O God!" And he appeared convulsed with agony. "Oh! if I had known this," he exclaimed, "what guilt, what remorse might have been spared me!" "Repentance comes too late when the deed's done," returned Wild, bitterly. "It is not too late to repair the wrong I have done my nephew," cried Trenchard. "I will set about it instantly.

Then drawing near to Arthur, he said, 'Can ye gar yon wean keep a quiet sough, if we make him pass for the little black? Arthur started with joy, and stammered some words of intense relief and gratitude. 'The deed's no dune yet, said Yusuf, 'and it is ower like to end in our leaving a' our banes on the sands!

The reward of Cecil Rhodes was in the thing he did, and not in the memory which men have of it. The man who digs a well has precisely the same reward. The point is that you must do the deed for the deed's sake. Do not do it because the crowd will clap their hands. When present applause or ultimate fame become your chief purpose in life, what are you, after all?

Why not hand it over now?" "Not till the deed's done," said Algernon, very reasonably. Sedgett studied his features, and as a result remarked: "You put me up to this: I'll do it, and trust you so far, but if I'm played on, I throw the young woman over and expose you out and out. But you mean honourable?" "I do," Algernon said of his meaning. Another knock sounded on the door.