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If Germany win, will it make any difference what position Great Britain took on the Declaration of London? The Monroe Doctrine will be shot through. We shall have to have a great army and a great navy. But suppose that England win. We shall then have an ugly academic dispute with her because of this controversy.

Loud cries of "Put Lord Cochrane's motion first" were mixed with the cry of "Chair, chair." Of this he was sure from the noble lord's own declaration, as well as from his knowledge of the noble lord's feelings. The noble lord had, indeed, himself stated that he had no wish to introduce any political, or to press any, measure likely to interfere with the object of the meeting.

In this general and unqualified declaration, on the 4th of July, 1776, all the people of the United States, without distinction of color, were proclaimed free, by the delegates of the people of those states assembled in their highest sovereign capacity. For more than half a century we have openly violated that solemn declaration.

The denial that she minded who knew it may not appear relevant, but desiring to be spiteful she could not at the moment find a better way of showing her spite than by declaring her indifference to the publication of her virtues. If there was no venom in the substance of the declaration there was much in the manner of it. Mrs. Bingham brought back the conversation to the point.

Next, my opinion is, that it ought to be rather by a bill for removing controversies than by a bill in the state of manifest and express declaration and in words de præterito. I do this upon reasons of equity and constitutional policy. I do not want to censure the present judges. I think them to be excused for their error.

We are in quite another latitude, in fact; we have left the North for the East, but the darkness is just as thick as before." "If the ode is obscure, the declaration is very clear, it seems to me," said Zephirine. "And the archangel's armor is a tolerably thin gauze robe," said Francis.

This same "True Declaration," which singularly enough does not mention the name of Captain Smith, who was so prominent an actor in Virginia during the period to which it relates, confirms all that Smith said as to the character of the colonists, especially the new supply which landed in the eight vessels with Ratcliffe and Archer.

So, even while it was his daily declaration that he mistrusted all mankind and sorely indeed he did mistrust all who bore any resemblance to himself he was as certain that these two people, surviving him, would be trustworthy in all things from the greatest to the least, as he was that he must surely die.

The declaration of war by France, now a republic, against England, precipitated upon the Government of the United States a number of difficult and troublesome questions of international law. They were especially irritating because of the personal feelings involved in their discussion and settlement.

"Monsieur Lecoq of the detective force, sent by the prefect of police in reply to a telegram, for this affair." This declaration clearly surprised all present, even the judge of instruction. In France, each profession has its special externals, as it were, insignia, which betray it at first view.