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The use of z instead of y, of y instead of th, are matters very easily mastered; and it is surely the utmost folly to suppose that Queen Elizabeth could have found the slightest difficulty in deciphering this northern version of the common tongue.

The deciphering of the first lines in which, it is true, she called him a godly knight, but also informed him that his boldness had angered her, caused him much difficulty, and Biberli was often obliged to help. Would she have rebuffed him so ungraciously with her lips as with the pen?

Intelligence consists in having read the heart and deciphered the promptings latent there, and then in reading the world and deciphering its law and constitution, to see how and where the heart's ideal may be embodied. The vices thus transmitted cloud our intelligence.

Besides, he was personally acquainted with the great founders of my science, Thomas Young and Francois Champollion, and had obtained an insight into deciphering the hieroglyphics. He knew all the results of the investigations, and expressed an opinion concerning them. Without having entered deeply into details he often hit the nail on the head.

II. Pars II. Liber II. Cap. iii. Brewer has in most respects performed his work as editor in a satisfactory manner. The many difficulties attending the deciphering of the text of ill-written manuscripts and the correction of the mistakes of ignorant scribes have been in great part overcome by his patience and skill. Some passages of the text, however, require further revision.

It seemed as though he went thoughtfully away to seek beyond the bounds of life which is apparent, the cause, the explanation, or the excuse for them. He seemed at times to be asking God to commute these penalties. He examined without wrath, and with the eye of a linguist who is deciphering a palimpsest, that portion of chaos which still exists in nature.

Suddenly Edwards, who stood forward on The Hawk, caught the peculiar fluttering of the signal flags aboard the Glasgow. "Glasgow signalling, sir," he reported to Lord Hastings. Lord Hastings quickly drew the attention of Commander Thompson to the Glasgow's signals, at the same time deciphering them for Frank and Jack. The first signal read: "Small vessel dead ahead."

There was not, however, light enough to enable him to read it; but he lay awake half the night and, at the first gleam of daylight, went up on to the platform and, seating himself so that he was not visible from below, waited till he could see to read the letter. It was, of course, in Mahratti; and so badly written that he had difficulty in deciphering it. He finally, however, made it out.

With difficulty deciphering the straggling, tremulous address, she broke the seal and read as follows: "Madam: "A heart-broken father appeals to you in his hour of extremity, to save his son from the gallows.

His time was far too valuable to be lightly wasted on the task of deciphering crabbed manuscript. In the afternoon, Berkeley called to see whether Ernest had followed his suggestion, and was agreeably surprised to find a whole article already finished.