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"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation "

The paper's 'll get hold of him sure. Just look at him!" "But, Mary, can he act?" "Act? My God, he don't have to act! He only has to look at you, and you want to fall at his feet. Go be decent to him, and find out what he wants." The great man surveyed the figure of the stranger appraisingly. Then he went up to him. "See here, Mr. Carpenter, maybe I could make you famous. Vould you like dat?"

Peleg W. Chandler, in his "Memoir and Reminiscences of Governor Andrew," a most charming volume, from which largely this sketch has been prepared: "He passed more than twenty years in an arduous profession, and never earned more than enough for the decent and comfortable support of his family. He devoted his best years to the country, and lost his life in her service.

It was suggestive and inspiring. They had been voiceless for some time, when Clark moved restlessly. "Shall we talk here, or go back to the office?" "This is good enough for me," said Ardswell; "are you ready for business?" "Certainly." "And may I ask two questions first, one is a trifle personal?" "Please ask them, if you wish; I have no personal secrets." "That's very decent of you.

Of course, there were three girls besides Charlotte, and it was pure lying as I told Helm for some of those fellows to pretend that Captain Ferry's problem was all they stayed for; and yet it was the one heart-problem which was everybody's, and we were all in one fever to see forthwith a conclusion which "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind" required should not come for months.

Scaife could pick up very little information about him, except that he was a decent old fellow, who paid his bills regularly, and was always good for a fiver for a local charity. Then Scaife seemed to have penetrated to the back door of the house, pretending he was an agent for sewing-machines.

A counterpart to this decent practice, and a remnant of old English hospitality, was, that the landlord of a principal inn laid aside his character of a publican on the seventh day, and invited the guests who chanced to be within his walls to take a part of his family beef and pudding.

"Purty hard to make a decent show with them things." "Wait a minute," said Shorty, "an' I'll show ye a little trick." Taking his poncho under His arm. Shorty went to the rear of the camp, where the mules were feeding, and presently returned with a bunch of hay. "What ye goin' to do with that?" asked Si. "You jest do 's I tell ye, and don't ask no questions.

His face for a second wore an expression of infinite sadness, and he sighed even while the smile came back on the face he turned to us from the door as he said: "Sometimes I think he is studying law with old Charley Hedrick and sometimes I think he is in the bank with John Markley; but he is always with me, and was such a decent boy when I had him out to the College.

"Probably as well as your customers are doin', I should imagine? You don't need to get discouraged. It takes time to work up a trade like yours in a nice, decent neighborhood like this." Silas stared hard at the unwelcome intruder, glancing apprehensively at the door from which several customers had already turned away when, through the glass, they had caught sight of Mrs. Burke.