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Almeria one day declared, that she should wish to pass all the days of her life at Elmour Grove, without seeing any other human creatures but her friend and her friend's father. "Your imagination deceives you, my dear Almeria," said Ellen, smiling.

Love is to say to one's self: 'She whom I love is infamous; she deceives me, she will deceive me; she is an abandoned creature, she smells of the frying of hell-fire; but we rush to her, we find there the blue of heaven, the flowers of Paradise. That is how Moliere loved, and how we, scamps that we are! how we love. As for me, I weep at the great scene of Arnolphe.

"You stand," said he, "as it were, on the point of a needle, and if the Court knew their strength they would rout you as they do the rest; your courage gives you an air that both deceives and disquiets them. Make use of the present opportunity for obtaining what may be serviceable to you in your employ at Rome, for the Court will deny you nothing."

" break locks, steal purses, and cut people's throats on the highway," cried the colonel. "Ah, you young girls, that's just like you, with your peremptory opinions and your ignorance of life. A man who once deceives a woman was born under the scaffold on which he ought to die." This ridicule stopped Modeste's effervescence for a moment and least, and again there was silence.

Any other supposition would be in the highest degree improbable. This explains itself." "Your indulgence deceives you, M. Baleinier," answered the princess, dryly. "We knew the sort of thieves," said Tripeaud; "they are generally young men, handsome, and very rich." "You are wrong, sir," resumed Madame de Saint-Dizier. "Mademoiselle does not raise her views so high.

For a time she deceives herself, Felix. Then the idol topples from the pedestal and is broken, and she sees that it is all clay, Felix clay through and through and her heart breaks with it." Kennaston bowed his head. "It is true," said he; "that is the love of women."

While I proceeded to make piles of as similar dimensions as possible I kept saying to myself: "To think that I have been believing all this time that in his mission with Morhange, Saint-Avit was particularly concerned in scientific observations. Either my memory deceives me strangely or he is riding a horse of another color.

He by no means feigns the good feeling that he professes, nor is there anything affected in the frankness of his conversation; and it is this that makes him so fascinating. There is such a quantity of truth and kindliness and warm affections, that a man's heart opens to him, in spite of himself. He deceives by truth.

When des Lupeaulx had gone, Finot went to Lucien, and taking the good-natured tone which deceives so many victims, he explained that he could not possibly afford to lose his contributor, and at the same time he shrank from taking proceedings which might ruin him with his friends of the other side. Finot himself liked a man who was strong enough to change his opinions.