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"The boys has got the oven fixed for roastin' him, and the band gits in on the mornin' train, failin' accidents, and the dec'rations is up in the taown hall 'n' now we kin git ready for a week of stiddy rain." "They's wuss things than rain," said Scattergood, "though at the minnit I don't call to mind what they be."

"Oh, dear, what have I said?" thought Peace in dismay; but quickly concealing her confusion, she replied, "They ought to look nice make better dec'rations, 'cause these are the first I've seen this year." "Oh! I thought you said sell, and I wondered if you thought Miss Dunbar would pay us for them." "Oh, mercy, no!" laughed Peace, and Cherry questioned no further.

Just at the threshold another thought occurred to her, and she faced about with the remark, "Say, grandpa, do we have to spend all this money for dec'rations?" "No," he laughed. "If you can find anything in the attic which you can use, take possession of it." "And the money we don't spend is ours?"

But, of co'se, all the great honors they laid on him the weddin' supper an' dance in the Simpkins's barn, the dec'rations o' the church that embraced so many things he's lectured about an' all that why they was all meant to show fo'th how everybody took pride in him, ez a author o' printed books.

Another coincidence I have written on the fly-leaf the very verse I just quoted: "It's the songs ye sing, and the smiles ye wear That's a-makin' the sunshine everywhere!" "And ain't the fly's leaf dec'rations cute!"

No philosophy worth a damn ever came out of excesses of love. Salt Lake City Piggott Ag Agapemone again no works to matter." Everybody laughed. "Got to rec'nise these facts," said my assailant. "Love and fine think'n pretty phrase attractive. Suitable for p'litical dec'rations. Postcard, Christmas, gilt lets, in a wreath of white flow's. Not oth'wise valu'ble."