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Baffled, exasperated, and weary, he lingered opposite the Temple gate when it closed on Wrayburn and Lightwood, debating with himself should he go home for that time or should he watch longer.

The American mother is prone in social questions to trust her daughter too much, or not enough, and to train her very little. In many cases adolescent society centers about the school. There are the everyday walks and talks of the boys and girls, the games and meets and contests, with their attendant social features, the literary societies and debating clubs, the school parties and dances.

I have the honour to wish you a very good-night." He rose from his seat, and walked off, rigid with outraged patriotism, to his cabin. The young American hesitated for a little, debating in his mind whether he should not go down and post up the daily record of his impressions which he kept for his home-staying sister.

Benjamin: ``Oh, simply debating the Confederate seal, moving to strike out this man and to insert that. Colonel Johnston: ``Do you know what motion I would make if I were a member? Mr. Benjamin: ``No, what would you move? Colonel Johnston: ``I would move to strike out from the seal everything except the cocked hat.

Without respecting a custom, to which even the most powerful of the emperors had been obliged to conform, he rejected all written deliberations which suited so well with the national slowness of resolve. He could not conceive how ten days could be spent in debating a measure, which with himself was decided upon its bare suggestion.

Yet he was in a plight a curious and even dreadful plight, when he came to realize it. He had not a single cent but that one bill! And he had to find some shelter that night he had to change it! Jurgis spent half an hour walking and debating the problem. There was no one he could go to for help he had to manage it all alone.

The subject was discussed in the village stores and in the juvenile debating club; it was prayed over in conference; and finally in general "society's meeting," in December, the stove was carried by a majority of one and was introduced into the meeting-house.

When we came on shore, and sawe how they had spoiled the boat, after much debating of the matter, we agreed that the Elizabeth should haue her to fish withall: whereupon she was presently caryed aboord, and stowed. Now after this trouble, being resolued to depart with the first wind, there fell out another matter worse then all the rest, and that was in this maner.

The shouting in the Piazza was soon at an end, but not so the debating inside the palace: was Florence to have a Great Council after the Venetian mode, where all the officers of government might be elected, and all laws voted by a wide number of citizens of a certain age and of ascertained qualifications, without question of rank or party? or, was it to be governed on a narrower and less popular scheme, in which the hereditary influence of good families would be less adulterated with the votes of shopkeepers.

"They might it is possible they might," said he, apparently debating the question within himself "just possible; and yet I fear " "What do you fear?" asked Caspar. "Do you think they would not be strong enough?" "Strong enough," replied Karl. "That's not what I fear." "The air can't pass through an eel-skin?" "No not that." "At the seams, perhaps?