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"For God's sake what has happened, Petrie?" he demanded, and began clutching at the lobe of his left ear and looking all about the room dazedly. "The Flower of Silence!"

Dazedly, and dragging her feet as if they were powerless to move, the girl entered the warm and cheerful room, but at her entrance understanding seemed to give her strength. With a shuddering, shivering, indrawing breath she drew back and leaned against the door-frame. "I must go. I I can't come in there. I'm better now. I must go." "You can't go." Selwyn's voice was decisive.

At the fire where the question was put, a young fellow, whose heavy, black mustache prudently hid lips coarse and sneering, came to his feet like a dummy of a man and glared dazedly at his companions, as if their faces should tell him whose hand it was that gripped the braided collar of his jacket. He was not long in doubt, however.

The flower whose red dust fell in the box when you opened it on the desk by the window in yonder room the flower that stood in the window as a signal the flower I myself removed, and so spoiled the miserable plot that your friends concocted." A look of mingled terror and awe came into her face. "YOU changed the signal!" she repeated dazedly; then, in a lower voice, "that accounts for it all!"

The hansom had come to a sudden stop, and outside there was a confused sound of shouting with the crunching of wood and the scraping of wheels. The horse plunged, the cab rocked sharply and then came to a standstill. "What is it?" gasped Grace, trying to straighten her hat and find her bag at the same time. Hugh managed to raise the glass and peer dazedly forth into the gathering night.

"Yes. . . . Peter, go very quickly. . . ." He took her face between his hands and kissed her on the mouth not passionately, but with the ineffably sad calmness of farewell. "God keep you, dear," he said. The door closed behind him, shutting him from her sight, and she stood for a few moments staring dazedly at its wooden panels.

Pierre pointed to a woman's hat on the table. "Do you know that?" he asked, huskily, for he was moved. But Heldon only nodded dazedly. Pierre continued: "I was to have met Tom Liffey here to-night. He is not here. You hoped I suppose to see your wife in your home. She is not there. He left a word on paper for me. I have torn it up. Writing is the enemy of man. But I know where he is gone.

He looked up surprised but not disconcerted as we entered. "What's the matter?" he asked. "Muller," shot out Winters, "we have just found Mr. Schloss dead!" "D-dead!" he stammered. The man seemed speechless with horror. "Yes, and with his grips packed as if to run away." Muller looked dazedly from one of us to the other, but shut up like a clam.

Dazedly, simply for the sake of something to take his mind from the throngs and the gossip about him, Fairchild bought a paper and stepped to the light to glance over the first page.

He was sitting up, not badly hurt, and staring dazedly at the candle. His mouth hung ludicrously open. But in a moment he struggled upright. "Good God, Swift!" he gasped. "You 've been butchered!" Then I recalled the red-hot poker. I put a hand to my cheek; it came away covered with blood.