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There are mighty few kids in this town; and if you really want my candid opinion, I don't think Durford needs a day-nursery any more than it needs an icebox for cherubim. But then of course that doesn't matter much. When you goin' to begin?" "Next Monday.

It runs round three sides of the four rooms called a house, and is at once my day-nursery, my lumber-room, my summer-parlor, my place of exercise everything, in fact. And it is an incessant occupation to train the creepers and wage war against the legions of brilliantly-colored grasshoppers which infest and devour the honeysuckles and roses. Never was there such a place for insects!

"What have you thought of doing?" I inquired. "I don't know yet. My husband has an aunt who's interested in a day-nursery for the children of working-women. I thought I might help this, but my husband says it does no good whatever it only makes paupers of the poor. Do you think so?" "I think more than that," I replied. "It sets women free to compete with men, and beat down men's wages."

She sat up in bed to listen, and arrived at the conclusion that it came from the day-nursery, which was below her room. Tony was sleeping peacefully. Jan put on her dressing-gown and went downstairs. The nursery door was not shut, and a shaft of light shone through it into the dark hall. She pushed it open a little way and looked in.

My poor children, I am sorry for you; you are burdened for life. Good-night, good-night! You will see me again to-morrow." The great dinner-gong sounded through the house, and Aunt Jane sailed away from the day-nursery. "Fortune, who is she?" asked Iris, raising a pair of almost frightened eyes to the old nurse's face. "She is your father's sister, my darling," said Fortune.

E. E. White, of Ohio, if he thought such an undertaking could be carried out. He answered, "Yes; but it is gigantic." I came home fully persuaded that it must be tried; but where should I begin? As soon as school opened in September, it occurred to me that almost opposite our school- building there was a day-nursery, the lady in charge of which appeared to be a very earnest worker.

Lay this young woman flat on her back on the floor, sprinkle her with water, and let her come to. I'm going to find out what she means." They lay poor Ellen stiffly out as directed, some one dashes water into her face, then in a body, with Mr. Hooper at their head, they march off to investigate. "She was in the day-nursery," Nurse Pool suggests, in a whisper, and to the day-nursery they go.

Earley's slow Gloucestershire speech rumbled on in muffled obbligato to the higher, carrying, little voices. The whirr of a sewing-machine came from the morning-room, now the day-nursery, where Meg was busy with frocks for little Fay. In a distant pantry somebody was clinking teacups. Jan shivered, though the air from the open window was only fresh, not cold.

These joys have been reserved for their little sisters, who, sooner or later, will step into their vacant places in the box-factory. What was denied Angelina it is the blessed privilege of Angelina's baby to revel in. Angelina's baby the little baby that she kept in the day-nursery when we worked together at Springer's now goes to a free kindergarten.

For some reason Virginia seemed to have a vague suspicion that Hepsey was still making fun of her; and being considerably nettled, she interjected tartly: "I'm not working for the verdict of posterity, and I don't care a flip for the Christian martyrs. I'm trying to conduct a day-nursery, here and now; we have the beds, and the equipment, and some money, and "