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The sun went down under a crimson veil; a dull glow spread, fan-shaped, upward; twilight faded to darkness with the going down of the wind. August Naab paced to and fro before his tired and thirsty flock. "I'd like to know," said Hare to Dave, "why those men filled up this waterhole." "Holderness wants to cut us off from Silver Cup Spring, and this was a half-way waterhole.

"Maybe you were bound fast to the wreckage, or it didn't float into deep water." "I don't know about being bound fast, but I do know the wreckage floated around, or rather, down stream. But that wasn't what I referred to." "What was it?" "Can't you guess?" "I don't think so." "I had on a cork life-preserver," said Dave. "I was looking at it this morning when you called to me."

I have often wondered since why I should have had all that trouble over a matter that has never been of the slightest use to me." "Well, I hope you will take it again, sir; it is a trouble, no doubt, but you will find it a great advantage." "Are you sure you think it needful, Cyril?" "Most needful, Captain Dave. You will see the advantage of it afterwards."

True, he had to favor the injured member somewhat, but that did not greatly hinder him; accordingly, early on the morning following the conversation of warning, the irrigation man, Dave, Mr. Carson and Pocus Pete set out across Bar U ranch to see what the Molicks were doing.

Off with you, Benjy, and find out where she lives," he cried, and the obedient Benjy dropped the saddle-bags as though such commands were not uncommon. "Pick up those bags, Benjy," said I, laughing. Benjy glanced uncertainly at his master. "Do as I tell you, you black scalawag," said Nick, "or I'll tan you. What are you waiting for?" "Marse Dave " began Benjy, rolling his eyes in discomfiture.

That fact gave the major part of the audience grim satisfaction. "There they go, now!" muttered Dave Darrin, in disgust. "Nothing is going to stop the big fellows!" "They're getting nearer our goal line," Dick admitted. "But a game is never won until it's finished. Cobber, as yet, hasn't even gotten the touchdown!" A minute later Cobber had. To the Gridley onlookers it sent a shock of dismay.

But don't you see how he'll guard Scorpion all day? Even Mrs. Cameron won't dare to go near the field while the bull is there." "I see!" responded Fly, in an appreciative voice. "You're a very clever boy, Dave. Now let's come quick and pop him into the hole."

"What do you mean?" "I mean they're traveling along together just as if they belonged to the same outfit." "Huh! I can't help it, can I, if your cows tag along with our strays?" demanded Len with a sneer. "That's what I'm here for to help prevent it," Dave went on, and his voice was a trifle sharp. "The Bar U ranch can't afford to lose any strays these days," he resumed.

"The Indians are after us! If we stay here we may be caught between two fires." "Come with me!" came from White Buffalo. "White Buffalo knows a good hiding place." James Morris' party turned back, and with Dave by his father's side, all rode through the forest to the southward. Here they reached a small brook, backed up by rugged rocks and a thick patch of timber.

"You keep your distance, Link Merwell," answered Dave, and now his tone was sharper. "Don't forget what I did at Oak Hall. If you want another thrashing like that I can give it to you." "Get out! Don't you talk to me!" howled Link. "You attacked me when I was sick!" He spoke in a loud voice, for the benefit of the cowboys and others who were gathering around.