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'I merely takes Jennie one side an' exhorts her to brace up an' show herse'f a brave lady. Then I explains that while I ain't told Dave none as his knowin' wouldn't do no good I regyards it as my medical dooty to inform her so's she'll be ready to meet the shock. "The trooth is, Missis Tutt," I says, "pore Dave's got heart disease, an' is booked to cash in any moment.

"Clear water to the left of us," he reported. "Too close ashore?" asked the Doctor. "I think not," was Dave's answer. "We'll have to submerge for three or four miles; then we'll be clear of the ice." Signal bells clanged, and again they were gliding under the ocean's armor of ice. As he listened to the hum of the machinery, one question puzzled Dave.

"Splice my main brace," said he, with his head on one side, quaintly, "wasn't that a blasphermous yarn old Dave was givin' us about the wind blowing that log chain away a link at a time? Old son of a gun!" Beth was inquisitive. "Why do you call him a son of a gun?" Napoleon scratched his head. "Well, you see, Dave's mother held up his father with a Colt forty-five and makes him marry her.

He had inspected perhaps one half of them, when he somewhat startled the moving picture man with a sharp sudden exclamation. "Mr. Alden," he asked quite excitedly, "where did you take that slide?" The young aviator might well ask the question he put to the moving picture man, for the negative in Dave's hand showed plainly the face and figure of Jerry Dawson. There could be no mistake.

"You're a liar!" shouted Dave, a crimson blot blurring with the brown on his cheeks. He jumped off the ground in his fury. "It's true, Naab; he's my new foreman," put in Holderness, suavely. "A hundred a month in gold and I've got as good a place for you." "Well, by G d!" Dave's arms came down and his face blanched to his lips. "Holderness!" "I know what you'd say," interrupted the ranchman.

"She came back ready to take Roy away," Kitty said defiantly. "But I wouldn't trust her. I found a lot of papers and wireless messages, and I wouldn't let her sneak off with Royal. I just made up my mind she couldn't scare me any more, and I'd go to Uncle Dave's, and tell him all about it." "You are right," declared Louise.

And she had to turn back to Dave's crib, which they were just leaving, to see whether this degraded profession had set its stamp on her prey.... No, it was all right! She could gloat over that sleeping creature without misgiving. "I've just thought who Toby is," said Sister Nora. "Of course, it's Dr. Trowbridge, the head surgeon.

"She looks lonely," said Kennicott. "She does, poor soul. I believe I'll go over and speak to her. I was introduced to her at Dave's but I haven't called." Carol was slipping across the lawn, a white figure in the dimness, faintly brushing the dewy grass. She was thinking of Erik and of the fact that her feet were wet, and she was casual in her greeting: "Hello!

I'll try to get there without letting a couple of reporters hide in the luggage-trunk." "Okay; see you directly." Rand hung up, spent the next few minutes breaking away from Pierre and his mother, and went out to his car. Trust Dave Ritter, he thought, to pick some place where malt beverages were sold, for a rendezvous. Dave's coupé was parked inconspicuously beside the red-trimmed roadhouse.

Ole mist'iss had sont her ter town fer a week er so fer ter wait on one er her darters w'at had a young baby, en she didn' fine out nuffin 'bout Dave's trouble 'tel she got back ter de plantation.