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"Her eyes so bright Dey shine at night When de moon am far away!" generally adding, "Ya! ya! dat am a fack, Brudder Bones! He! he! By George!" As Charlton's thoughts forecast his sister's future, it seemed to him darker than before. He had little hope of changing her, for it was clear that all the household authority was against him, and that Katy was hopelessly in love.

Denise lay with her face full of joy and rapture such joy and rapture! Little Joyce did not regret the sacrifice of her black doll never could regret it, as long as she remembered Denise's look. "T'ank you, Madame," said Denise brokenly, when Madame ceased. "Dat was so beautiful de angel, dey cannot sing more sweet. I love music so much, Madame.

"Dis land King Khatsua's," he repeated once more, in an angry voice. "All diamonds found on it belong to King Khatsua. Just you hand dat over. No steal; no tief-ee." The instincts of the land-owning class were too strong in Granville Kelmscott not to make him admit at once to himself the justice of this claim. The owner of the soil had a right to the diamonds.

But somehow I feels dat de Lord will bress me when I steals for you alls." "Oh, Hannibal, I wish I was dead and out of the way! Then there would be one less to provide for." "Dead and out of de way!" said Hannibal, half indignantly; "dat's jest how to get into de way. I'd be afeard of seein' your spook whenever I was alone.

But when Pedro expressed a somewhat contemptuous conviction that this glowing sky was the result of rubbish burning on plantations up the country, and skilfully introduced an allusion to relatives of his own who had some property in canefields, Alfonso's wrath became sublime. "You no listen to dat trash ob cabin-boy," said he. "Wait a bit, and I'se find him dirty work below dat's fit for he.

"I wish you great joy and ebbery sort of happiness, Masser Mile," said old Venus, kissing my hand, though I insisted it should be my face, as had often been her practice twenty years before. "Ah! dis was a blessed day to old masser and missus, could dey saw it, but. And I won't speak of anoder blessed saint dat be in heaven.

"Arrah! now, this illigint piece of meat will be enough to last us until we stop again for the night!" exclaimed Gillooly. "I'll race you now, and see who can get his whack down the fastest. If I win, you must hand over to me what remains of yours; and if you win, you shall have the remainder of my whack." "Dat would not be fair," answered Klitz.

Harry's father?" Aunt Jemima choked and nodded: there was no breath left for more. "Who did he ask for?" St. George was calm enough now. "Didn't ask fer nobody; he say, 'I'm lookin' fer a man dat come in yere las' night. I see he didn't know me an' I neber let on.

I had never seen the good old negro look so dispirited, and I feared that some serious disaster had befallen my friend. "Well, Jup," said I, "what is the matter now? how is your master?" "Why, to speak de troof, massa, him not so berry well as mought be." "Not well! I am truly sorry to hear it. What does he complain of?" "Dar! dat's it! him nebber 'plain of notin' but him berry sick for all dat."

After sitting in a thoughtful mood for some time, he again regarded his companion, saying, with the simplicity of a child: "Don't know how to do dat, Blossom. Hear medicine-priest of pale- faces pray, sometime, but poor Injin don't know enough to speak to Great Spirit. You speak to Great Spirit for him.