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"Get out with you, Darry!" laughed Prescott good-humoredly. "I thought you were " "The other fellow! Yes; I know," laughed Dick. "Where is he? Listen!" But only the night sounds of the woods answered them. "We'd better put for camp," whispered Dick, "or that fellow will slip around us and pillage the supplies before we get there."

Holmes called, shaking the arm of Darry, who lay asleep on the adjoining cot. "I heard something going on outside. We'll both get up, light a lantern, and " "Yes! Get up and come out!" jeered a voice near the tent door. "Come out and have a look at us. The reputable citizens of Fenton are to chase you out of town -and we'll do it, after we get through with teaching you manners!" "Fellows!

Bentley and the high school girls might want a little time to themselves. "It's going to be great to have such company right at hand," declared Darry gleefully. "Only I must warn you of one thing," retorted Dick. "What?" "You remember the errant that brought us into the woods?" "Football training!"

"Now I am sure of it. David, little giant, take my advice -fast to-night." "I will, if the rest of you fellows will," challenged Darrin quickly. "The truth is out," Tom burst out laughing. "Darry, by that slip of the tongue you admitted that you've been eating too much and that you're all out of sorts." Dave did not deny.

"That might work with some people," negatived Dick, "but Darry is there, and he's impulsive. He might half kill us before he discovered his mistake. O-o-o-h, Dave!" "Hello!" answered Darrin, coming away from the campfire. Then he waited until the trio were close at hand before he went on: "I judge you didn't have any luck."

"I don't believe there's anyone in here except ourselves," muttered Darry in disgust, peering all around him. "In that case, we are wasting our time in this cave. Phew! How cold it is in here!" "And well it might be," laughed Dick. "Do you see that mass just ahead of us?" "What is it?" asked Dan. "Flash the light on it." "Come over and look at it," Dick went on.

You see, Hep, I know Prescott and Holmes pretty well, from the fact that we played together on the same High School eleven for two years. Prescott, in fact, was the boy who trained us all." "Well, don't let the Navy fellows get the idea that you're afraid of that Army pair," begged Hepson. "It might get our men discouraged. Darry, we simply must wipe up the field with the Army!

Now, the only way the class could escape from the consequences of your action was to adjourn without action on Jetson." "It was you, Farl, who moved to adjourn." "Just to save a lot of hot-bloods from jumping on you, Darry. They'd have done it in another minute. The motion to adjourn was the only thing we could do." "But there'll have to be another meeting called right away," Farley went on.

During a two hours' siege with the military man he had never lost his temper or his wits, and had come off the victor. When Bart had concluded his very creditable piece of business with Mr. Martin of the pickle factory, he had sent Darry and Bob Haven back to bed, and had forthwith returned to the express office. Colonel Harrington, scared-looking and sullen, was still there.

"We don't mind your presence as much as your bad manners," Dick remarked coldly. "Will you kindly take your leave?" "No!" shouted three or four of their tormentors derisively. Dave, his fists still clenched, bounded forward. One chap, in an especially brilliant blazer, reached out to box Darry on the ear. That blow never landed, but the tormentor did -on the earth.