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Colonel Harrington's trunk is safe and sound on its way to its destination." "Hurrah!" irresistibly shouted Darry Haven. It was "busy times" at the little express office at Pleasantville. Bart had made home and lunch in half the noon hour, and entered upon a renewal of his duties with a brisk hail to his subordinates and assistants, Darry and Bob Haven.

Nobody shall know; you need not be afraid; nobody shall know." For I saw a cloud of hesitation in Margaret's face. "'Twarn't nothin', Miss Daisy only about Darry." "What about Darry?" I said, trembling. "He done went and had a praise-meetin'," said Theresa; "and he knowed it war agin the rules; he knowed that. 'Course he did. Rules mus' be kep'." "Whose rules?" I asked.

He war mad, I reckon; certain, Mass' Ed'ards, he war mad." "Wet?" said I. "Laws, Miss Daisy," said Margaret, "'tain't nothin'. Them whips, they draws the blood easy. Darry, he don't mind." I have a recollection of the girl's terrified face, but I heard nothing more.

"I believe we're going to halt every hour for a brief rest" "Yes." "While the five of us are resting under the trees, Darry, you might climb the trees, swinging from limb to limb and leaping from tree to tree. Of course you'll select trees that are not directly over our heads." "Humph!" retorted Dave. "Try it, anyway," urged Tom, "it's fine exercise, even if you give it up after a while."

After a few minutes Dan began to feel decidedly nervous. "Yet Dave can't have gone down, for he's a better swimmer than I am," was Dan's consoling thought. At last Dalzell caught sight of another head. He could have cheered, but he expended his breath on something more sensible. "Dave!" he shouted. "Old Darry! This way! I have the life buoys."

"Now if I'm any good on earth, I'll bring Greg in and perhaps Dick, too." Though Dave was excited, he kept the fact to himself, facing Ted Teall with steely composure. Two strikes and three balls were called. The two base-runners, full of confidence in Darry, were edging off daringly. "If I dared," throbbed Dave inwardly, "I'd refuse and walk to first on a called ball.

"Oh, if it's as bad as that " muttered Ted reluctantly. "What did you and Darry say, when the explosion came off?" asked Dan Dalzell, as Dick & Co. walked on again. "I don't remember just what Darry said," Prescott confessed reluctantly. "As for me, I remember just what I said." "What?" "I said just what the man on the clubhouse steps said." "And what was that?" pressed Dalzell.

"Don't be too reckless. Just fight to keep the Navy from scoring." "Hepson! Hepson!" came, appealingly, from the seats, as the two elevens lined up at the twenty-five-yard line. "Darry! O Darry!" Grim determination written on their faces, eleven middies awaited the signal, then hurled themselves forward like tigers. The ball came to Dave, who started with it.

So, as you can't foretell the future, I vote that, after this, we breakfast in the morning and swim later in the day. It would affect my heart in time, if we had to battle every morning for our breakfast in this fashion." "I can't get over the impudence of those tramps," muttered Darry, as he set his coffee cup down.

Before the mad work the Navy was borne back. Just before the close of the third period, the Navy was forced to make a safety on its own account. "But Wolgast was satisfied, and the Navy coaches more than pleased. "There's a fourth period coming," Wolgast told himself. "But for Darry and his splendid interference the Army would get our scalp yet. Darry looks to be all right, and I believe he is.