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"These are what the children always called their 'dens. All their books are here, and I thought maybe you'd like to look them over. If you see anything you like, just help yourself, and use the rooms for reading or writing whenever you want to." Darrell, left to himself, looked about him with much interest. The two rooms were similar in style and design, but otherwise were as diverse as possible.

Mr. Britton's words had, as he intended they should, drawn Darrell's thoughts from himself. Under his graphic description, accompanied by the powerful magnetism of his voice and presence, Darrell seemed to see the Oriental festival which he had depicted and to feel a soothing influence from the very simplicity and beauty of the imaginary scene.

To that marriage in which she compassionately foresaw the best solace left to my bereaved and baffled existence to that marriage I give my consent." "You do! Oh, Mr. Darrell, how I honour you!" "Nay, I no more deserve honour for consenting than I should have deserved contempt if I had continued to refuse. To do what I deemed right is not more my wish now than it was twelve hours ago.

Meet thus altered, fallen, imbruted the fine gentleman whose calm eye had quelled him in the widow's drawing-room in his day of comparative splendour that in itself was distasteful to the degenerated bravo. But he felt as if he should be at more disadvantage in point of argument with a cool and wary representative of Darrell's interests, than he should be even with Darrell himself.

The motive that induced you to plead guilty I had long guessed; it flashed in an instant on Guy Darrell; it was not mere guess with him! You ask me what he said? This: 'Grand nature! George is right! and I do bow my head in reverence!" "He said that? Guy Darrell? On your honour, he said that?" "Can you doubt it? Is he not a gentleman?" Waife was fairly overcome.

If, as you say, you found yourself mistaken, to attempt after that to carry on what could only be a mere farce would be simply unpardonable. A mistake I could forgive; a deliberate deception, never!" The tones, so unlike Kate's, caused Darrell to turn in pained surprise.

I'm tired out. I want to tell my own story at the Old Bailey, and have my revenge upon you, upon Darrell, upon all. Send for the police." "You could only give me five minutes they are gone, I fear. I am more liberal. I give you your own time to consider. I don't care if I stay to dine; I dare say Mrs. Poole will excuse my dress." "Losely, you are such a fellow!

"Who married Frederic Darrell? Often. My dear Mr. Darrell, is it possible that you that I have the happiness of being related to you?" "To my daughter, if you like her second cousin to me, no," Mr. Darrell said, half-smiling, half-sad. "Your father and his family long ago repudiated all claims of mine I am not going to force myself upon their notice now.

A murmur ran through the group, which now numbered more than one who could have shrewdly guessed to whom this lady had given her love. Some would have stayed Black Darrell, but not the Queen herself could have bidden him on with more imperious gesture than did Damaris. "Saved from the sea but better they had drowned! You speak in riddles, Master Darrell.

And away he went, smiling very happily and holding the boy's hand in his. The King's immediate party was no sooner gone than Darrell ran up to me eagerly, and before my lord could rejoin me, crying: "What did he say to you?" "The King? Why, he said " "No, no. What did my lord say?" He pointed to Arlington, who was walking off with the King.