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"Why, you, of course," replied Handy. "Not on your life. Count me out on that stunt, Mister Manager. New London is a seaport town. There are vessels in port and sailors on shore. My Newport experience has taught me a lesson. The sailor men there tied me up so darned tight that you'll never get me to undertake any such job as that again within a hundred miles of seawater." "But "

His slot, however, showed that they were right, and lustily we cheered them on! Tom, marvelling the while that we heard not the cry of Jem's relay. "'For I'll be darned, he said, 'if he hasn't crossed the road long enough since; and that dumb nigger, Jem's not had the sense to stick to him!

If ever that darned mine had got into working order, right kind of ore, water enough and not too much, roads and machinery all right, and everything swimming, the Day of Judgment would have come." "Did you ever get anything out of it?" inquired Andrew. "Anything out of it?" repeated the other.

"Yes; I'm not interrupted so much. Of course, if I ever happen to want to practice at night, that's always the night Anna chooses to go to bed early." "It's a darned shame, Thee, you didn't cop that room for yourself. I'm sore at the PADRE about that. He ought to give you that room. You could fix it up so pretty." "I didn't want it, honest I didn't. Father would have let me have it.

"The Honourable George," I admitted, "has been known to do unexpected things, and there have been times when he was not as sensitive as I could wish to the demands of his caste " "Bill is stalling he knows darned well the Judge is a mixer," broke in Cousin Egbert, somewhat to my embarrassment, nor did any reply occur to me.

"Wal," said he, turning up his nose sky-high, "dis child never seen such a mixallaneous biling 'o darkies as this yar; why darned ef there ain't every colour in the rainbow, from the ace of spades, down to the fine dissolving views."

In the relief of this hour, Buddy could have worshiped him except for the fact that he was too darned nice to Arline nobody had the right to show her attentions as marked as his own Gray was a man no woman could help loving Before long Buddy experienced a new sensation jealousy. It was mild, to be sure, but it hurt a little.

But there it is turned and darned and lengthened. Happily, I don't believe that poor Celestina Dubois will be very difficult to please" and Catalina pulled a comical smile. As one looked at that peaceful, beautiful face it was hard to realize that it could belong to the poor, miserable, complaining invalid of a short time before!

Yes," he laughed forgivingly, "you druv me out er it, by day, jest because I reckoned that some time I might run into your darned fool face," another laugh and a grasp of the hand, "and then, b'gosh! not content with ruinin' my business BY DAY, when I took to it at night, YOU took to goin' out at nights too, and so put a stopper on me there! Shall I tell you what else you did?

It's all right, I'm glad you brought me here darned good of you, and I'll get a story. Only for God's sake leave me alone!" "Sure," said Joe. "Only don't try to talk to those little Guineys. Their boss wouldn't let 'em say a word and you'd lose your chance of watching 'em. Make it a kind of a mystery story." And a mystery story I made it.