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What he wanted with it, or what he would have done with it if he had got it, I cannot conceive, but it had taken his simple fancy more, probably, than an emerald of the same size would have done. At last he put it to his eye. "Why, darn my cabbage-tree," he said, "if you can't see through it! He wouldn't sell it, I suppose, now?"

On this Saturday evening, however, they had an early supper and she finished her dishes betimes and sat down to darn stockings in the sitting-room. Erastus had hurried away to a meeting of his henchmen in the town, and would not be home until after his wife was in bed. So she was rather surprised when a timid knock sounded upon the door.

The Little Doctor was somewhere he never seemed to know just where, nowadays and the house was lonesome as an isolated peak in the Bad Lands. "I wish I had the making of the laws. I'd put a bounty on all the darn fools that think they can write cowboy stories just because they rode past a roundup once, on a fast train," he growled, reaching for his tobacco sack. "Huh!

Her hands rested on her hips, and the firelight, that covered all the opposite wall and most of the ceiling with her shadow, beat out between her thick ankles in the shape of a fan. She was a widow, with a huge, pale face and a figure nearly as broad as it was long; and no man thwarted her. Weaknesses she had none, except an inability to darn her stockings.

Do you think trapesing about alone all over the earth mixing with all sorts of people she doesn't know from Adam, and going goodness knows where and doing goodness knows what, and idling her life away, never putting a darn in her stockings even is irreproachable conduct on the part of a young woman of Zora's birth and appearance? The way she dresses must attract attention, wherever she goes.

Garth sat up again, his face wild with protest. Jane turned on the hearth-rug, and stood watching it. "No, doctor," he said. "Oh, my God, no! In the whole world, she is the last person I would have enter this room!" Dr. Mackenzie bent forward to examine minutely a microscopic darn in the sheet. "And why?" he asked very low.

He'll pull right out to the forests again, and she'll pull out too. "That's all right," Bat broke in drily. "I get all that. But why not marry the gal? Marry her an' quit all this darn argument. I guess this mill's goin' to hand you all you need to keep a wife on. That seems to me the natural answer to the stuff that's worryin' you." His eyes twinkled as he regarded the other's troubled face.

"Aw, where do you get that stuff! You're so darn scared of the car that you drive up-hill with the emergency brake on!" "I do not! And you Always talking about how much you know about motors, and Eunice Littlefield told me you said the battery fed the generator!" "You why, my good woman, you don't know a generator from a differential." Not unreasonably was Ted lofty with her.

The only man there who ever had it fit in the battle under Gen. Harrison. He had it when he was a child, and was so old that the pockmarks on him wuz wore so smooth you could scarcely see 'em. Our neighborhood's so healthy you can't even have a square case o' measles. Gosh darn it," Si exploded, "what glandered fool was it that couldn't tell 'backer-sick from smallpox?

And I wish," he added quizzically, "you'd spare me some of that sympathy you've got going to waste. I'm a poor lonesome devil working away to get a stake, and you know why. I don't have nobody to give me a kind word, and I don't have no fun nor nothing, nohow. Come on and ride a mile or two!" "I have to help mommie," said Billy Louise, which was not true. "Well, if you won't, darn it, don't!"