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Alan wondered what Hawkes had said to him. Right now Hawkes was three booths up, leaning over and taking part in an urgent whispered conference with a thin dark-faced man in a sharply tailored suit. They reached some sort of agreement; there was a handshake. Then Hawkes left the booth and slung one of Steve's dangling arms around his own shoulder, easing the weight.

How shall man measure Progress there where the dark-faced Josie lies? How many heartfuls of sorrow shall balance a bushel of wheat? How hard a thing is life to the lowly, and yet how human and real! And all this life and love and strife and failure, is it the twilight of nightfall or the flush of some faint-dawning day? Thus sadly musing, I rode to Nashville in the Jim Crow car.

The ruby was gone, and, so, also, was the eldest member of our party an elderly dark-faced Irishman named Doyne, who, the previous day, had angrily disputed Moynglass's right to carry the ruby. "We searched for Doyne all that day, but could find no trace of him. The next day we tracked across a glacier-like expanse littered with large blocks of sandstone. It was a grim spot.

"A fellow gets tired of plugging away at his studies all the time." "That's so," admitted Bart, who was a dark-faced, reserved sort of boy; "but such tricks as you perpetrated last night are dangerous." "How?" "What if Lieutenant Gordan finds out you were at the bottom of it? You know what will happen." "Sure!" "Well, you are taking big chances for a little fun." "A little fun!" echoed Frank.

He arose and he saw a dark-faced servant, who beckoned to him. He left the little chamber where he had been sleeping, and then he saw outside one who wore the strange dress of the Cretans. When Theseus looked full upon her he saw that she was none other than the daughter of King Minos. "I am Ariadne," she said, "and, O youth from Greece, I have come to save you from the dread Minotaur."

Turn from me and find a wife among the dark-faced maidens of your tribe." "I have always despised them," said the Dahcotah, "but you are more beautiful than the Spirits of the water. I love you, and will make you my wife." "Then you must give up your people," replied the girl, "for I cannot live as the Dahcotah women.

He saw about a dozen dark-faced Spaniards gathered together and glaring at him; one of them, wearing the uniform of the captain, stepped forward toward him. He was a surly, ill-looking man, with a heavy dark mustache. He bowed stiffly to the cadet. "The senor takes possession," he said, in a low voice. Clif was so busy watching this man that he did not look around the vessel. But we must do so.

"I'm very sorry about it," Helen murmured. She laid the letter on the table and looked across at the dark-faced man opposite, "but really I don't think Tess cares for him at all now. Deforrest has repeatedly said she never speaks of him, and that as far as he can make out, she has quite forgotten him." "I'll make it my business to find out," muttered Waldstricker.

I've been brought up as a white girl. I've had a white girl's schooling." Her eyes flashed as she sprang to her feet and walked up and down the room for a moment, then stood still, facing her mother, a dark-faced, pock-marked woman, with heavy, somnolent eyes, and waited for her to speak. The reply came slowly and sullenly "I am a Blackfoot woman.

Already Ebenezer could see, in his mind's eye, how happy Madelene would be when he brought her the news. The big, dark-faced squatter was standing beside the red-headed girl, and Silander Griggs was hurriedly hunting through a book for the marriage ceremony. "Make it short," gritted Waldstricker to the minister. Tess stood as if she had died standing, her face devoid of blood even to the lips.