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He is esteemed here at his true worth. I love him for making her in love with English boys. I leave the men for those who know them, but English boys are unrivalled, I declare. Honesty, bravery, modesty, and nice looks! They are so nice in their style and their way of talking. I tell her, our men may be shy and sneering, awkward, I daresay; but our boys beat the world. Do bring down Temple.

"I want to talk," she said; "let us sit down and be sociable. I daresay they will be some time in killing their quarry. We will enjoy ourselves till they come back. They shall not hurt you; I will ensure that." Stark smiled a little at the girl's assurance. "More likely they may suffer at our hands, lady. There are more of us scattered about the forest.

"William, you are a fool," his partner would rejoin for the hundredth time. "Will you never understand that, if we get a little more than the customary profit upon one thing, we get less upon another? You must make the thing even, or come to the workhouse." Thereto, for the hundredth time also, William Marston would reply: "That might hold, I daresay, Mr.

That he took the papers from it, threw the pocket-book itself away, and then placed the papers or some of them where your people have just found them in Harborough's shed seems to me to argue something which is even more puzzling. I daresay you see what I mean?" "Can't say that I do, sir," answered the superintendent. "I haven't had much experience in this sort of work, you know, Mr.

Not that these handbags are really very secure, you know, although I daresay they are safer than pockets, especially now that it is the fashion to have the pocket at the back. Still, I have often thought how easy it would be for a thief or a pickpocket or some other dreadful creature of that kind, don't you know, to make a snatch and in fact, the thing has actually happened.

I daresay to a generation that knows nothing about him or his disclosures or his method he will seem a great novelist again. I daresay he is a great novelist. I don't know. Anyhow there were three great stages in his career: the Slow Advance; the Grand Attack; and Victory.

"Oh, Major Grantly!" "It seems so easily settled, does it not?" "And is it settled?" "Yes; everything. Everything about that." Now he had hold of her hand as if he were going. "Good-by. I told your father that I would just call and tell you." "It seems almost more than I can believe." "You may believe it; indeed you may." He still held her hand. "You will write to your mother I daresay to-night.

It was the game with a rope, which I daresay you have seen. All take hold of it and one is in the middle, the one in the middle must strike the hand of anyone holding the rope, who then takes his place in the middle. I think you must have seen this game, a very innocent one, and makes fun.

"Come with me and Peter to-night, Shenac." But Shenac had other things to think about, she said. Still she thought much of this too. "I wonder what it is, Hamish," said she when they were alone. "I can understand why Dan and Peter McLay should go just because other folk go; and I daresay there's some excitement in seeing all the folk, and that is what they like.

Would you mind telling me whose apartment you intended to er investigate? If this is the wrong one, you know." "I was looking for a Letter." "Letters, letters!" he said. "When will you women learn not to write letters. Although" he looked at me closely "you look rather young for that sort of thing." He sighed. "It's born in you, I daresay," he said.