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"Piney is a little smaller than Danny, though he is much the same shape," was the prompt reply. "True," said Old Mother Nature. "Now, Striped Chipmunk, what difference do you see?" "The fur of Piney's coat is shorter, finer and has more of a shine. Then, too, it is more of a reddish-brown than Danny's," replied Striped Chipmunk. "And what do you say, Peter Rabbit?" asked Old Mother Nature.

"Oh, no; I think Danny's second experience has made him a bit skeptical about girls." "And how are you, on that point, Mr. Darrin?" teased Belle, gazing up at him mirthfully. "You know my sentiments, as to myself, Belle. As for Dan -well, I think it beyond doubt that he will do well to wait for several years before he allows himself to be interested in any girls." "Why?"

"There's going to be a race on the big hill between the big bobs." There was much excitement. The sleds were the two largest owned by anyone in the neighborhood, and both were fine ones. Danny had bought his, but Bert and Charley had made theirs, and so, though it was not so fancy, it was stronger. Most eyes were on Danny's sled, for it was painted in bright colors, and brightly varnished.

"Danny's a sudden sort of a murderer. Of course, if worse comes to worst, I'll stick, but my rating in the community ain't A 1. There's a lot of narrow-minded church members would like to baptize me at high tide. As if that would get their money back!" A suggestion of a smile crept to the Countess' lips and she said, "I knew you'd stick when I hired you." Then she seated herself upon a box.

He told me all about London, where the Lord Mayor rides in a glass coach, and all the work is done by free men. He says you never hear chains there. I should like to see London, papa!" "So would Mr. Danny, I have no doubt," said Frere. "No he didn't say that. But he wants to see his old mother, he says. Fancy Danny's mother! What an ugly old woman she must be! He says he'll see her in Heaven.

For a time he had no luck, and then, one afternoon, as he noticed Danny Rugg wearing a coat he seldom had on, Bert walked slowly up to him, clasping the button, with his hand, in his pocket. His heart beat fast as he noticed that from the middle of Danny's coat a button was gone. And a glance at the others showed Bert that they were just like the one found in the ice cream freezer.

"What did you want to squirt the hose on me that time for?" "I told you it was an accident," said Bert quietly. "And I say you did it on purpose. I said I'd get even with you, and now I'm going to." "I don't want to fight, Danny," said Bert quietly. "Huh! he's afraid!" sneered Jack Westly, one of Danny's friends. "Yes, he's a coward!" taunted Danny. "I'm not!" cried Bert stoutly.

Don't cry now Danny, man, yer going' up to the big house where the lovely pink lady lives that has the chocaklut drops on her stand and chunks of cake on the table wid nuts in them as big as marbles. There now," continued Pearlie, putting the towel over her finger and penetrating Danny's ear, "she'll not say she can plant seeds in you.

"At first it didn't seem to mean anything to me, but he made me say it after him as if it were a sort of promise, and I've been saying it every day of every year since then. I'd said it to myself first, when I met people on the street that I knew were thinking of Danny's disgrace, and I didn't see how I was going to get up courage to pass 'em.

O'Brien turned on the other for a sign of interest. But Danny's stomach was in bad case. "Oh, hell!" he cried, and promptly turned his gaze in another direction. O'Brien looked from one to the other, torn by feelings of pity and anger, with a desire for bodily assault uppermost. "You sure are bright boys," he said at last, a sort of sardonic humor getting the better of his harsher feelings.