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"We were there to command," we assured him; and accepting our services, Cheon opened the ball by sending the Dandy in to the Katherine on a flying visit to do a little shopping, and, pending the Dandy's return we sat down and made plans. The House and the Quarters should join forces that day, Cheon suggested, and dine under the eastern verandah "No good two-fellow dinner longa Clisymus," he said.

'Twasn't as funny as it looked, though," he assured us, finding us unsympathetic, "and nobody was exactly sorry when one of the lads on duty came along to hear the fun, and stock-whipped the old poker back to the mob." The Maluka and the Dandy soon proved it was nothing to be "treed."

Aha! the old story! "And marry her I would have done," continued the fluent dandy, "but the poor thing died. I then determined that I would never marry until I had found another middle-class girl who should be just as beautiful, just as virtuous, as she was, and who could sing the 'Stabat Mater' just as nicely.

He then marked slips of paper, equal in number to those who were present, with the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c, to correspond, after which he determined that the three first numbers and the three last should go all of which was agreed to without remonstrance, or any apparent show of reluctance whatever. "An who's the purty girl that's goin' to wet you, Captain Bartle?" inquired Dandy Duffy.

So we arranged for our land transport of ponies for ourselves, and a dandy for Hesketh, to meet us one march up the river at Nopura, while we ourselves set forward in our boats to Dubgam, three or four miles down the Jhelum, where the Pohru joins it.

In him are combined the attractions of criminality, beauty, brains, success, and, last of all, dandyism. It is a well-known and delightful fact that the most Anglophobe Frenchmen and Balzac might fairly be classed among them have always regarded the English dandy with half-jealous, half-awful admiration. Indeed, our novelist, it will be seen, found it necessary to give Marsay English blood.

You see, I did not lie, when I told you, just now that I have always, always, been hungry!" The young duke had a kind heart and was profoundly moved by this terrible story, told him by a man like himself, by a soldier whose uniform made him his equal. It was even fortunate for the phlegm of this dandy, that the night wind dried the tears which dimmed his eyes.

"It will only take us a day to get from here to Lake Wanda where we are going to camp. So we will get up here, in our own home in the morning, ride to camp, put up the tents, and that same night we will sleep in them." "Oh, what fun it will be!" cried Sue, joyfully. "It will be dandy!" exclaimed Bunny. "And I'll catch fish for our supper in the lake."

Presently I succeeded, and soon she was asking: "'Is this Harry? "Some one at the other end of the line replied: "'Yes. Is that you, Cora? "'Of course, you little dunce. When are you coming down again? Didn't you...? "'Dandy. But say, Cora, it's awful risky. I'm not fourteen yet. What if I should get nabbed? "'No, you won't if you'll mind me. Now listen. Come in at the lower side entrance.

I see he's as great a snuff-taker as ever, and he seems to be even less careful than he used to be about his clothes; though, I must say, he never was a dandy at the best of times!"