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I locked 'em both in, sir. Shure they couldn't take the lootenant's horse without his knowin' it, sir." Ray took the key and hobbled out to his back door, simply telling Hogan to come with him. He was thunderstruck at the idea of their taking Dandy from him. He never thought of that as a possibility Dandy, who seemed after that wild night-ride to be part of himself.

Next to the man to whom she had given her love and her very soul she admired and looked up to the remarkable and noble adventurer, the high-born and exquisite dandy, who with grime-covered face, and strong limbs encased in filthy clothes, was playing the most glorious part ever enacted upon the stage. "To the barriers to the barriers!"

Lizzie almost exploded with anger when Lydia retailed these questions, but Amos only laughed. "Pshaw, you know Elviry!" "Yes, I know Elviry! She's a snake in the grass. Always was and always will be." "She's a dandy housekeeper," murmured Lydia. "I wonder where she learned. And she isn't teaching Margery a thing. I like Mr. Marshall." "Dave's a miser.

Now it so happened, that Dandy, who had been more than once, in the course of his visits, to the kitchen, promised, as he said, to metamurphy one of them into Mrs. Dulcimer, alias Murphy that being his real name was accidentally in the kitchen while the dialogue lasted, and for some time afterwards; and as the expectant Mrs.

Jack, having heard Dan's report, took his cue from it and passed the papers as "just the thing "; but the Dandy read out every word in them in a loud, clear voice, to his own amusement and the drovers' discomfiture.

Tobacco! tobacco! If there's anything I hate worse than a dandy, it is tobacco. Such a headache as I have this morning, all for that vile pipe that Bridget Dolan's husband was smoking, when I went over to see her. Charley, I believe if an Irishman hadn't a potato to put in his blarney-ing mouth, he would own a pipe and a puppy. Jim Dolan had both.

It was newer, less tumbled, but scarcely better. His suits did not cost enough. Finance was at the root of the crying scandal of his career as a dandy. The financial question must be reopened and settled anew. He should attack his father. His father was extremely dependent on him now, and must be brought to see reason.

I've seen cattle in Vale that looked just like those, when I went barefoot in the grass." "Some Dutchman painted it his name's in the corner. He's dead now, I believe. It used to hang in some museum I forget where. I like pictures of women best, but " She shrugged and left her sentence unfinished. "There's a dandy in my bedroom, although it didn't cost half as much as that barn-yard thing.

His face, shrunken and wrinkled, had that look of prenatural wisdom which dwarfs sometimes have, and his little black eyes were incredibly bright. He was evidently something of a dandy, for his clothes were immaculate. I admired again the aplomb with which he accepted the situation.

"I never said so," exclaimed Chaffing Jack interrupting her. "Don't go about for to say that I said Mowbray would rally. My words have some weight in this quarter widow; Mowbray rally! Why should it rally? Where's the elements?" "Where indeed?" said Devilsdust as he entered the Cat and Fiddle with Dandy Mick, "there is not the spirit of a louse in Mowbray." "That's a true bill," said Mick.