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I then, with the object of destroying them, fixed on my bow-string the weapon capable of piercing the foes if but his sound was inaudible. Upon this, their shouts ceased. But those Danavas that had sent up that shout were all slain by those shafts of mine blazing as the Sun himself, and capable of striking at the perception of sound alone.

Tomorrow morning, in broad daylight, having caused a great slaughter among them thou shalt sport like Shakra after the slaughter of great Asuras. Thou art quite competent to vanquish the army of the Pancalas in battle like the slayer of the Danavas in vanquishing in rage the danava host.

Then remaining invisible, the Nivata-Kavachas covered the entire welkin with masses of crags. And, O Bharata, other dreadful Danavas, entering into the entrails of the earth, took up horses' legs and chariot-wheels. And with the crags that had fallen and with others that were falling, the place where I was, seemed to be a mountain cavern.

Having slain Vritra, Maghavat, that foe of the Danavas, possessed of great fame, entered heaven with that thunderbolt pervaded by Vishnu. A little while after, O thou of Kuru's race, the slayer of Vritra, on some purpose connected with the good of the three worlds, was proceeding towards heaven.

And awakened from his slumber, Govinda beheld those Danavas of mighty energy, and beholding them the Deity said unto them, "Welcome, ye mighty ones! I am gratified with you! Therefore, I will grant you excellent boons!" And thereupon both those proud and mighty Danavas, O king, laughingly replied unto Hrishikesa, saying, "Ask boons of us, O Divine one!

And Brahmins of rigid vows, well-versed in the Vedas and the branches, began, with rapt soul, to pour libations of clarified butter and milk into the fire, uttering mantras. And taking up the king back to the nether regions, and having brought him thus in a moment, she apprised the Danavas of it.

Skanda replied, 'Do thou anoint me as leader, for the destruction of the Danavas, for the good of the celestials, and for the well-being of cows and Brahmanas. Markandeya continued, "Thus anointed by Indra and all other gods, and honoured by the Maharshis, he looked grand at the moment.

And between those two Brahmanas there are always much boastful rivalry. Those Danavas assembled for encounter that were slain by the gods were all revived by the seer Sukra by the power of his knowledge. And then starting again, into life, these fought with the gods. The Asuras also slew on the field of battle many of the celestials. And the gods were, therefore, in great sorrow.

And as hot in contempt of the foe, and continuously slew the Danavas in battle, no one could mark the slightest interval between his successive shafts. And the colour of his face changed not, and his limbs trembled not. And people only heard his loud leonine roars indicative of wonderful valour.

O thou of powerful arms, slay the terrible Nahusha of vicious soul. Discover thyself, O slayer of Daityas and Danavas. O lord, assume thy own strength and rule the celestial kingdom."" "Salya said, 'Thus addressed by Sachi, the illustrious god said to her again, "This is not the time for putting forth valour. Nahusha is stronger than I am.