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"Had I not received it soon enough to produce it then," said Alexander, "the Queen would have broken off the negotiations. So I ordered Richardot, who is quite aware of your Majesty's secret intentions, from which we shall not swerve one jot, to show it privately to Croft, and afterwards to Dr. Dale, but without allowing a copy of it to be taken."

There were deeds, mortgages, legal documents of every description. They found the Dale mortgage, but they did not find the release alleged to have been signed by Dale immediately prior to his death. "Of course that mortgage is recorded," said Racey, dolefully, staring at the pile of papers, "so destroyin' that won't help us any. The release he's carrying with him, and I don't see anything "

All seemed good and fair to him, and whiles he looked around him, and saw the long dale lying on his left hand and the dark yews in its jaws pressing up against the rock-ledges of the brook, and on his right its windings as the ground rose up to the buttresses of the great ridge.

Jimmie Dale took the watch from his pocket that had not been wound for many days, wound it mechanically, set it by guesswork it was not far from eight o'clock and replaced it in his pocket.

They had approached against the wind so that sound had been deadened. Five horses with riders, Dale made out saw them loom close. Then he heard rough voices. Quickly he turned to feel in the dark for a ladder he knew led to a loft; and finding it, he quickly mounted, taking care not to make a noise with his rifle, and lay down upon the floor of brush and poles.

"And who is this?" she asked, seizing the opportunity to settle a point that was perplexing her strangely. "Our chauffeur," said Cynthia, and a glint of fun showed through the wanness of her cheeks. "But not not " Even smooth-tongued Mrs. Leland was at a loss. "Not Fitzroy, who left us a minute ago. This man's name is Dale.

It was the Tocsin's voice from the rear doorway of the office. It was her voice; Jimmie Dale could never mistake it even in its startled cry but he did not look.

Oh, my God, you don't know what the last three days have been! Give them back to me, won't you won't you? You you don't know!" "Don't lose your nerve!" said Jimmie Dale sharply. "Sit down!" He pushed the other into the chair. "There's no one will disturb us here for some time at least. What is it that I don't know?

"Oh, John, don't say such hard things as that of me!" "But I do say them. You'll make me swear among you some day that I will never see Lily Dale again. As it is, I wish I never had seen her, simply because I am so dunned about it." In all of which I think that Johnny was manifestly wrong. When the humour was on him he was fond enough of talking about Lily Dale.