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"It is Yellow Snake, the ferocious Chief of the Bottlenoses!" Flame and smoke were rising outside. It was excellently done and perfectly safe, but too much for the younger warriors. The key turned, the door opened, and two tearful babes were in the arms of the kneeling Lady. Red Buffalo and Black Bear were of sterner stuff. "I'm not frightened, Daddy," said Laddie, though he looked a little pale.

"I think so," answered her husband. "The doll is caught on one of the buckets, halfway down the well. I sent Russ up to get the rake, for I'm afraid If I pull up the bucket the doll will drop off and fall to the bottom of the well." All watched Daddy fishing for the doll.

It was some of the farmers in the circus tent who had shouted before that, not seeming to know what to do. Daddy Brown and grandpa were hurrying from the other side of the tent to help Bunny hold the rope. The pole was slowly falling, the tent seemed as if it would come down, and the Italian was calling to his bear. As for the bear, he seemed to think that he ought to climb higher up on the pole.

Daddy is doing very well, and now that he is asleep through the hypnotic virtues of a best seller which I have read to him in large doses, I resume my correspondence with you, and, incidentally, my study of man. He is really very interesting, Aunt Jennie, with the tiniest bit of secretiveness as to his own purposes in life which, of course, makes one more curious about him.

Bobbsey, and then her husband awakened. "What's the matter now?" he asked sleepily. "Oh, is that you, Freddie?" he went on, as he saw the little Bobbsey twin. "What's the matter? Did you fall out of bed again?" "No Daddy. But there's a whole lot of fire engines down in the street. I saw 'em!" "Fire engines!" cried Mrs. Bobbsey. "Oh, Dick! do you suppose " What Mrs.

"Now, Janice, what did you mean?" Amy asked, as they set off from the schoolhouse with their books. "I just can't go to that party!" "Daddy says that it is a mistake to say that the word can't is not in the dictionary, for it is in the newer ones. But I am sure it ought not to be found in the 'bright lexicon of youth' like 'fail, you know," and Janice laughed.

They then gathered along the brink, enviously watching the descent of their companions into the shadowy abyss. Genevieve came to where Isobel and her father crouched beside the others. "Thomas will not let me put him down, Belle," she said. "I see you left the glasses beside the rock. If Lafayette has reached the bottom safely " "If safely!" echoed Isobel. "Daddy, you look quick, please!"

"And afterward I fished a little, but I didn't catch anything, 'cept an old flounder, and he winked at me, so I put him back. And then I thought a long time oh! a very long time, sitting like Patience on the doorstep. And suddenly, Daddy Captain, I thought about those boxes of clothes, and how you said they would be mine when I was big.

"Yer daddy don't need ye as much as me an' the little feller. Let me take 'im I ain't seen 'im yet, ye know." Andy bent over the cot. Gently he lifted the infant and carried him nearer the lamp's dim rays. He stood gazing intently into the rosy face. Then, he raised a tiny hand and spread first one finger, then each baby fellow out in his own palm. "Why he's real handsome," he decided at last.

I thought maybe I'd want to shoot at a snow man me and Grandpa are going to make, so I kept the gun. Daddy can give the train boy a penny for it. I hid it in the seat. Then I saw Margy's doll on the seat in front, and she was asleep Margy was and I shot at the doll, but I didn't mean to make her fall." "Oh, dear! Such a boy!" cried Mrs. Bunker. "To take the gun without asking!