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"Anty can just stay quiet and asy," she continued, "till we see what Master Barry manes to be afther; he'll find it difficult enough to move her out of this, I'm thinking, and I doubt his trying. As to money matthers, I'll neither meddle nor make, nor will you, mind; so listen to that, girls; and as to Moylan, he's a dacent quiet poor man but it's bad thrusting any one.

"Silence, boys; bad manners to yez, will ye be asy, you Lilliputian Boeotians by my hem upon my credit, if I go down to that corner, I'll castigate yez in dozens: I can't spake to this dacent woman, with your insuperable turbulentiality."

"I'll tell you what I'm thinkin', Masther as my hand's in, mightn't I as well take another wid an ould friend of mine, Owen Smith, of Lisbuy? He's a dacent ould residenther, an' likes it. It'll make the baker's or the long dozen." "Why, it's not a bad thought; but won't thirteen get into your head?" "No, nor three more to the back o' that.

You're by with it, James More. You can never show your face again with dacent folk." James was taken all aback with it. He stood a second, motionless and white, then swelled with the living anger. "Do you talk to me, you bastard?" he roared out. "Ye glee'd swine!" cried Alan, and hit him a sounding buffet on the mouth, and the next wink of time their blades clashed together.

"Och deevil burn ye," interrupted Mistress Wheelwright, "if ye go on at that rate, I'll tell his honor of the pig ye stole, you and Tim Martin, ye did." "Och Murther," cried Mistress Pettit, "that a dacent woman like I should be charged with staling along with such a spalpeen as Tim Martin, your honor." Whereupon up started Tim Martin, exclaiming

"If ye want yer tax, why don't ye come here after it in a dacent fashion, and not begin by insulting me and me own, and then frightening the child out of its wits. Didn't yer mothers larn ye manners at all, and do ye think we can stand all sorts of barbarities?"

He halted suddenly and looked keenly at McDermott. "Wot the divil! ... B'gorra, ut's to me fri'nd Neale an' a love letter an' " "Wal, kape it, thin, fer Neale an' be dacent enough to rade no more." Lifting Beauty Stanton, they carried her out into the sunlight. Her white face was a shadowed and tragic record. "Mac, she wor shure a handsome woman," said Casey, "an' a loidy."

"Say no more," says Terence, "that settles the business," says he; "an' oh! blur and ages is it not a quare thing," says he, "for a dacent respictable man," says he, "to be walkin' about the counthry in the shape iv an ould gandher," says he; "and oh, murdher, murdher! is not it often I plucked him," says he, "an' tundher and ouns might not I have ate him," says he; and wid that he fell into a could parspiration, savin' your prisince, an was on the pint iv faintin' wid the bare notions iv it.

The doctor, to his credit, rose to protect her, but she braved it out. She would, she averred, lend the thingamyjig a better petticoat than the one he'd got on. "If he mun wear 'em," she added, "he mought wear 'em long enough to be dacent." The doctor bustled her out at last, palpitating but triumphant. Maclachlan had sprung up like a wild cat when the missile hit him.

O'mie obeyed me to the letter, and ended with the query to the good Father: "Now phwat should a couple of young sleuth-hounds do wid such a dacent good Injun?" Father Le Claire's reply stunned the Irish boy. "He just drew himself up a mile high an' more," O'mie related to me, "just stood up like the angel av the flamin' sword, an' his eyes blazed a black, consumin' fire.