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It has been said that in the morning of the 2d of July the jangada had arrived at San Pablo d'Olivenca, where they turn out in thousands those long strings of beads which are made from the scales of the "coco de piassaba." This trade is here extensively followed.

San Pablo d'Olivenca, a town of some importance, has not less than two thousand inhabitants, derived from all the neighboring tribes. At present the capital of the Upper Amazon, it began as a simple Mission, founded by the Portuguese Carmelites about 1692, and afterward acquired by the Jesuit missionaries.

On the 2d of July, in the morning, the jangada arrived at the foot of San Pablo d'Olivenca, after having floated through the midst of numerous islands which in all seasons are clad with verdure and shaded with magnificent trees, and the chief of which bear the names of Jurupari, Rita, Maracanatena, and Cururu Sapo.

It was marked enough for even Benito to notice it, not without surprise, and he observed that his father gave particular attention to the questions so curiously propounded by Torres. The commandant of San Pablo d'Olivenca assured the adventurer that the authorities were not now absent from Manaos, and he even asked Joam Garral to convey to them his compliments.

Like everything else, that has changed; heads have re-taken their natural form, and there is not the slightest trace of the ancient deformity in the skulls of the chaplet-makers. Every one, with the exception of Joam Garral, went ashore. Torres also remained on board, and showed no desire to visit San Pablo d'Olivenca, which he did not, however, seem to be acquainted with.