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Au sortir d'Antioche, je repris ma route avec mon mamelouck; et d'abord nous eûmes

The Song of Roland, for instance, begins with a long series of exceedingly dull stanzas; to a reader, the preliminaries of the story seem insufferably drawn out. But by the time the reciter had got through this unimportant dreariness, no doubt his audience had settled down to listen. The Chanson d'Antioche contains perhaps the most illuminating admission of this difficulty.

The Medusa was armed en flute, having only 14 guns on board; it was equipped at Rochefort with the Loire. Equipped at Brent. Came from L'Orient. The town of Chassiron is on the point of Oleron, opposite a bank of rocks called Les Antiochats. The light house of La Baleine is placed at the other end of the Pertuis d'Antioche, on the coast of the Isle of Rhé.

After having plied to windward the whole day, in the evening about five o'clock, the Loire being unable to stem the currents which were at that time contrary, and hindered her from entering the passes, desired leave to cast anchor; M. de Chaumareys granted it, and ordered the whole squadron to anchor. We were then half a league from the Isle of Rhé, within what is called the "Pertuis d'Antioche."