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My husband came down to us for long week-ends, and as soon as we had provided ourselves with the absolute necessaries of life, visitors began to arrive: Professor and Mrs. Huxley; Sir Alfred Lyall; M. Jusserand, then Conseiller d'Ambassade under M. Waddington, now the French Ambassador to Washington; Mr. and Mrs.

Two days ago, his secrétaire d'ambassade called on me, with a letter from his minister to the ambassador, in which was the following paragraph, as he translated it to me; and I committed it to writing from his mouth. 'Your Excellency has communicated to us the substance of your conversation with the American minister.

Who introduced him to us I cannot remember, but during his work at the Museum he would drop in sometimes for luncheon or tea; so that we soon began to know him well. Then, later, he came to London as Conseiller d'Ambassade under M. Waddington, an office which he filled till he became French Minister to Denmark in 1900.

On reaching home we found there Paul de Remusat, charming Mlle. Hocquigny, and M. de Monbel, a young attache d'ambassade. I explained my lateness as well as I could, and that morning finished in the most delicious harmony of ideas. I have never felt more than I did that day the infinite joy of listening. During a silence Mlle.