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Two rough-looking men, evidently a farmer and his hired man, armed with guns, and holding a couple of dogs by ropes, came in sight close by. "Hey! what d'ye mean by trespassin' on my ground? I'll have the law on ye for darin' to build a big bonfire like that! No tramp convention c'n threaten to set fire to my woods, let me tell ye!"

The fields along the Delta are packed with birds now: they're home early this year on their way to the North. What d'ye say, eh?" But Henriot did not care about the quail shooting. He felt more inclined to be alone and think things out by himself. He had come to his friends for comfort, and instead they had made him uneasy and excited. His interest had suddenly doubled.

It may be a joke, but the people think you are playing for real stones, using gun wads as they've seen poker chips used. I've heard that as much as £50,000 in precious gems change hands in a night. Well, the situation is obvious. Every man in Japat thinks that your people are gambling with jewels that belong to the corporation. They think there's something crooked, d'ye see?

This other river to yer left is the Tickywahoo " "Tecuahy," the blond man corrected, grinning. "Yeah. And behind ye is the last town in the world and the place that God forgot. What d'ye call this here, now, city?" "Remate de Males. Which means 'Culmination of Evils." "Yeah. It looks it. Wonder if it's anything like Hell's Kitchen, up in li'l' old N'Yawk."

I need one, I'm sure; for though I get an accountant every two or three years to do up my books, they somehow have the knack of getting wrong again. Those quarries, Mrs. Browne, which every one says are so valuable, and for the stone out of which receive orders amounting to hundreds of pounds, what d'ye think was the profit I made last year, according to my books?"

The red, good-humoredly crafty face of the official, in its attempt to assume a menacing air, puffed and grew round and purple, while the brows scowled, the eyes rolled, and the effect was very comic. "You've been told don't you dare come into the dock, or I'll break your ribs! And you're here again!" the man roared threateningly. "How d'ye do, Semyonitch!

'Meg, ye limb of Satan, how dare you leave the door open? was the first salutation of the party. 'And wha ever heard of a door being barred when a man was in the dead-thraw? how d'ye think the spirit was to get awa through bolts and bars like thae? 'Is he dead, then? said one who went to the side of the couch to look at the body.

"No you won't, lad," rejoined Nicholas, "and if you'll take my advice, you'll get out of Whalley as fast as you can. You will be safer on the heath of Pendle than here, when Sir Ralph and Master Roger Nowell come to know what has taken place. And mind this, sirrah the hounds will be out in the forest to-morrow. D'ye heed?"

"Whar d'ye make out enny letters, Roger?" persisted Spears. Purdee leaned over and eagerly pointed with his ramrod to a curious corrugation of the surface of the rock. Again the blacksmith bent down; the musician craned forward, his yellow hair hanging about his bronzed face.

There's a letter for the head turnkey, Mr. Irreton. D'ye hear." "Yes, yer hon'r," replied the chairman, taking the note. "What are you waiting for?" asked Jack, impatiently. "The gen'l'man as hired us," replied the chairman. "Oh! he'll be after you directly. He's settling an account in the house. Lose no time. The letter will explain all."