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But now the mystick tale that pleas'd of yore Can charm an understanding age no more. "If you did amuse yourself with writing any thing in poetry," wrote Horace Walpole to Sir H. Mann, in 1742, "you know how pleased I should be to see it; but for encouraging you to it, d'ye see, 'tis an age most unpoetical!

On hearing his courage as a toper called in question, Sleepinbuff looked angrily at Morok. "You think it is from cowardice that I will not drink brandy!" cried the unfortunate man, whose half-extinguished intellect was roused to defend what he called his dignity. "Is it from cowardice that I refuse, d'ye think, Morok? Answer me!"

How many acres had you in the place you were on?" "Acres be d d!" Billy would scornfully reply; "hear him talking about acres! D'ye think we were blanked cockatoo selectors! Out there we reckon country by the hundred miles. You orter say, 'How many thousand miles of country? and then I'd understand you."

"Set a chair for his lordship. Hayton, send his lordship's boat ashore. Tell them he'll not be returning yet awhile." "What's that?" cried his lordship. "Blister me! D'ye mean to detain me? Are ye mad?" "Better wait, Hayton, in case his lordship should turn violent," said Blood. "You, Benjamin, you heard the message. Deliver it."

Ye'll maybe wish ye hadna been as ill to me by an' by. 'I'm comin' alang some nicht, Wat, said Liz, who invariably treated such remarks with the most profound contempt, ignoring them entirely. 'D'ye think Skinny'll let me in?

It don't suit you; besides, there's no occasion for it, for I do my best to keep it down, but I'm so choke full of it that a word or two will spurt up now and then in spite o' me." Mrs Willders smiled and continued her patching; Willie grinned and continued his supper. "Mother," said Willie, after an interval of silence. "Well, my son?" "What d'ye think the old feller ah!

You Cow Flat min, too, down wid 'em! Look it here the troopers is comin'. Shine have infor-rmed on us in Yarraman. Moind, now, this is jist a bit of divarsion we've been havin'. The Waddy men had dropped their weapons, so also had most of their foes, and all gathered closer about Devoy. 'T'row away thim shticks, he yelled. 'D'ye want tin years fer riot, an' murther, an' dish turbin' the peace?

Clara threw open a door, calling out, "Here they are!" and Marian found herself in the presence of a little, nicely dressed lady, who looked very little older than Caroline, and had a very good-natured face. Coming forward with a smile, she said, "Miss Arundel, I believe. I hope you are quite well, and not tired. Sir Gerald, how d'ye do? We shall be good friends, I am sure."

"D'ye think they'll be such fools as to let us do that, sir?" caustically demanded the gunner, chewing hard upon his quid, in his evident perplexity. "N-o," I returned dubiously; "I don't suppose they will if they can help it. But that is our only chance, all the same, and we must bend all our energies to accomplish it.

But, d'ye know, my Margarita's grown a big girl and fine-looking? You won't give her any more rides on your knee now. And and your little pussy, just fancy, three months ago she choked herself with a fish-bone. Ah well, we all shall come to the grave at last.