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There is nothing here to remind you of the Rhine or Rhone, of the low cote d'or, or the infamous and scabby deserts of Champagne; but all is green, solitary, covert. We visited two of them, Mr. Schram's and Mr. M'Eckron's, sharing the same glen. Some way down the valley below Calistoga, we turned sharply to the south and plunged into the thick of the wood.

The whole country sent up a cry of distress at this unheard-of tyranny. The most odious persecution daily took place. The privacy of families was violated by the intrusion of informers and their agents. The most virtuous and honest were denounced for the crime of having been seen with a louis d'or in their possession.

He rode over to Meade d'Or to talk with him. The two strolled out of the house and grounds, crossed the road, and, mounting the levee, walked its broad path while they conversed. A thunder-cloud was hanging, imminent, above, but, as yet, no rain fell. At Grandemont's disclosure of his interference in the clandestine romance, Victor attacked him, in a wild and sudden fury.

"DEAR PUSS. He dines with Popinot this evening, and will come to fetch me from the Opera at eleven. I shall go out at about half-past five and count on finding you at our paradise. Order dinner to be sent in from the Maison d'or. Dress, so as to be able to take me to the Opera. We shall have four hours to ourselves.

Marshalled by Toison d'Or, chief of the heralds of Burgundy, the Princes left the Earl Herbert's Tower, and entered the castle yard, which Louis observed was filled with the Duke's bodyguard and men at arms, splendidly accoutred, and drawn up in martial array.

This letter I entrusted to Capus, bidding him meet me with the answer at Etampes, where he would find me at the Toison d'Or. As soon as mademoiselle, chiefly upon whose account I had halted, was sufficiently rested to continue the journey we started once more, and quitting the vine country entered the smiling Beauce.

I would give a couple of louis d'or for a moment of the bustle of Paris. "A sad place yon!" said Doom. And back they went to the castle to play a solemn game of lansquenet.

On the ground floor are three Ionic columns, and on the first floor a semicircular gallery, while the dome that crowns it is occupied by a Gallic cock, resting one foot upon the "Charte" and holding in the other the scales of Justice. But that which most attracts the eye is, opposite the Lion d'Or inn, the chemist's shop of Monsieur Homais.

"On the contrary," said Crevecoeur, "I have not yet acquitted myself of it Hearken, Louis of Valois, King of France Hearken, nobles and gentlemen, who may be present. Hearken, all good and true men. And thou, Toison d'Or," addressing the herald, "make proclamation after me.

"I am too good an accountant not to know that this sum would scarcely suffice for your horses and servants." "Well, perhaps you are right; for the rest I may thank my gracious king. During the course of this year he has presented me with three hundred Fredericks d'or; and now you know the source of my revenue and will not think so meanly of me as to suppose that "