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He could afford to be generous, and when he rose to play La Lettre d'Amour it was with the elation of a knight entering the lists, with the ardor of a lover singing beneath his lady's window. La Lettre d'Amour is a composition written to a slow measure, and filled with chords of exquisite pathos.

"They are called, in heraldry, LAQUEI AMORIS, or LACS D'AMOUR," said Mumblazen. "It is in that I require your aid, my friends," said Tressilian. "I am resolved to accuse this villain, at the very foot of the throne, of falsehood, seduction, and breach of hospitable laws. The Queen shall hear me, though the Earl of Leicester, the villain's patron, stood at her right hand."

I suppose it is some affaire d'amour propre; il est tres susceptible, notre cher Mitia." "Plutot une affaire d'amour sale," Missy was going to say, but stopped and looked down with a face from which all the light had gone a very different face from the one with which she had looked at him.

Sweet, thrilling, her voice poured forth into the crowded auditorium. The people sat spellbound. There was a moment of silence; no one offered to applaud. And then she began again. Oui c'est un reve, Un reve doux d'amour She faltered La nuit lui prete son mystere, Il doit finir avec le jour the voice broke. Men were standing up in the audience. One cried out: "Il doit finir "

It also supported a little buckskin case, which contained a whetstone, a very necessary article; for in taking off the hides of the beaver a sharp knife was required. His pipe-holder hung around his neck, and was generally a gage d'amour, a triumph of squaw workmanship, wrought with beads and porcupine quills, often made in the shape of a heart.

As for the mere fact of his supplanting me, they thought it an excellent thing, a ruse d'amour for which they never would have given him credit; and although they admitted it was provoking enough to be ousted out of one's mistress in that cool sort of way, still I should not so far have forgotten myself as to have struck him while he was unarmed, when it was so easy to have otherwise fastened an insult on him.

Ah, je suis heureuse! trop heureuse ... et je tremble délicieusement, Au souvenir charmant du premier jour d'amour! The effect was instant. The youth by the piano smiled radiantly and nodded in vehement approval; the young Italian puffed fiercely at his cigarette; a flash of light crossed Lize's gaze, causing it to concentrate.

It was on the Marne, seated near Louison in a boat moored to the willows on the Ile d'Amour, that Amedee obtained his first kiss between two stanzas of a boating song, and this pretty creature, who never came to see him without bringing him a bouquet, charmed the poet. He remembered Beranger's charming verses, "I am of the people as well, my love!" felt that he loved, and was softened.

'Between the RELIGION D'AMOUR, and the latest 'ism, and the new turning to Jesus, one had better ride on a carrousel all day. But come to Dresden. I have a studio there I can give you work, oh, that would be easy enough. I haven't seen any of your things, but I believe in you. Come to Dresden that is a fine town to be in, and as good a life as you can expect of a town.

And she sang very intelligently and in excellent taste: "Pendant que, plein d'amour, j'expire