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This much was plain, that his earnest desire and intention was to raise in Cytherea's bosom no feelings of permanent aversion to him. The instant after the first burst of disappointment had escaped him in the hotel at Southampton, he had seen how far better it would be to lose her presence for a week than her respect for ever. 'She shall be mine; I will claim the young thing yet, he insisted.

Miss Aldclyffe had made several private inquiries concerning her former companion, and there was ever a sadness in her tone when the young lady's name was mentioned, which showed that from whatever cause the elder Cytherea's renunciation of her favourite and namesake proceeded, it was not from indifference to her fate.

Now she had just observed that on the left buttock of every one of them were marked in distinct red letters the initials 'E. S. 'E. S. could bring to Cytherea's mind only one thought; but that immediately and for ever the name of her lover, Edward Springrove. 'O, if it should be ! She interrupted her words by a resolve.

'And yet she can be iron with reference to me and her property, the farmer murmured. 'Very well, Ted, I'll tell her. Of the many contradictory particulars constituting a woman's heart, two had shown their vigorous contrast in Cytherea's bosom just at this time. It was a dark morning, the morning after old Mr. Springrove's visit to Miss Aldclyffe, which had terminated as Edward had intended.

Her mouth expressed love less forcibly than Cytherea's, and, as a natural result of her greater maturity, her tread was less elastic, and she was more self-possessed. She had been a girl of that kind which mothers praise as not forward, by way of contrast, when disparaging those warmer ones with whom loving is an end and not a means.

It affects sunny slopes, like the English flower; yet Shakespeare never could have made the allusion to it which he makes to his own species in these lines: "That strain again! it had a dying fall: Oh! it came o'er my ear like the sweet south That breathes upon a bank of violets, Stealing and giving odor," or lauded it as "Sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes, Or Cytherea's breath."

He could not help turning to look at what he knew to be the window of Cytherea's room.

She recurred to the subject of Cytherea's want of expertness, like a bitter reviewer, who finding the sentiments of a poet unimpeachable, quarrels with his rhymes. 'Never, never before did I serve myself such a trick as this in engaging a maid! She waited for an expostulation: none came. Miss Aldclyffe tried again.

It was evening just at sunset on the day of Manston's death. In the cottage at Tolchurch was gathered a group consisting of Cytherea, her brother, Edward Springrove, and his father. They sat by the window conversing of the strange events which had just taken place. In Cytherea's eye there beamed a hopeful ray, though her face was as white as a lily.

You know as well as I do, Cyth, that with women there's nothing between the two poles of emotion towards an interesting male acquaintance. 'Tis either love or aversion. They walked for a few minutes in silence, when Cytherea's eyes accidentally fell upon her brother's feet. 'Owen, she said, 'do you know that there is something unusual in your manner of walking? 'What is it like? he asked.