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Ferrocyanide of Potassium K Cfy+3HO, or K C N Fe+3HO, is generally known by the name of yellow prussiate of potassa. It contains ferrocyanogen, a compound radical, consisting of 1 eq. of metallic iron and 3 eq. of the elements of cyanogen, and is designated by the symbol Cfy. Cyanide of potassium is generated in large quantities.

The die being finished, it is placed in a bath of cyanide of potassium and heated until the vessel containing it is red hot. This process occupies from fifteen minutes to half an hour for dies but may take as much as an hour for a large plate. The die is then transferred to a bath of oil, to cool and temper it. By this process it is thoroughly hardened. XLVI, No. 5.

A solution of cyanide of potassium is now added to this precipitate until it is dissolved, during which process the solution becomes warm by the chemical re-action which takes place. The solution is filtered, and allowed to repose all night.

He had released his thumb from the spring of the electric torch, and the light went out, making the spot seem all the blacker by contrast. Tom drew in his breath sharply. Taking a stride forward, and reaching out his two muscular arms in the darkness, he asked in a low voice: "How much did you pay for that cyanide of potassium, Jacob Crouse?"

Our arrival had been announced to the hospital physician, who entered and stood for a moment looking at the patient. "I think it is a drug a poison," he said meditatively. "You haven't found out yet what it is, then?" asked Craig. The physician shook his head doubtfully. "Whatever it is," he said slowly, "it is closely allied to the cyanide groups in its rapacious activity.

We might as well have the worst and then we can begin to work to help him." "Well, you know that day we came in, and found him doing some experiments?" "Yes. He was monkeying with " "Cyanide," broke in Jack. "The very stuff the horses were poisoned with." "So he was!" whispered Bert In tense tones. "But for the love of heaven don't tell anyone!" "No danger.

The sense of insecurity which obtains during the Sessions of the Raad is due scarcely less to the threats which are not fulfilled and attempts which do not succeed, than to what is actually compassed. A direct tax on gold has more than once been threatened; concessions for cyanide, jam, bread, biscuits, and woollen fabrics were all attempted.

On the way across he had posted himself so far as possible about the proposed Robinson-Ray plant. He learned that there were to be fifteen batteries of cyanide tanks, two high eighty-four in all supported by steel sub- and super-structures; the work to be completed at Krugersdorpf, twenty miles out of Johannesburg, South Africa. The address of the company was No. 42-1/2 Threadneedle Street.

The quicksilver, being valuable, is saved and used again, while the gold, now called bullion, is sent to the mint to be coined into bright twenties, or tens, or five-dollar pieces. Some of the gold in the crushed ore will not mix with the quicksilver, and this is treated to a bath of cyanide, a peculiar acid that melts the gold as water does a lump of sugar.

"By tests I found it to be cyanide of potassium, a most deadly poison, generally instantaneous in its action." "How large a dose was given?" "I don't know, as there were no indications of it in the gastric contents." "Then how was the drug administered?" "Through the blood." "By means of the knife?" The deputy coroner looked puzzled. "Possibly," he admitted.