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The superior ductility of iron wire in some measure compensates for the distention of the particles on the inside of the curve, and that is a reason why it has heretofore been used for suspension bridges. But with straight steel wire there is no such distention, and its entire elastic limit is available.

"And how does town seem, Mr. Tallente, after your sylvan solitude?" she asked. Tallente for a moment was almost at a loss. Then a glance into her really very wonderful eyes, and the curve of her lips as she smiled convinced him of the truth which he had at first discarded. "Miss Miall!" he exclaimed. "Please don't look so surprised," she laughed.

Right close to the swaying nest the boy hung, his limbs encircling it, his two hands locked upon it, trusting to it, just trusting to it. It bent low in a great sweeping curve, the nest swayed and swung from the movement of the swing downward, a little olive-colored, speckled head peeking cautiously out as if to see what all the rumpus was about.

And we'll have to find some suitable place to camp for the night." "Oh, we can camp anywhere," cried Tom. "It's good enough just for one night." They began to trudge along the edge of the horseshoe curve, over smooth sand. But this did not last, and presently they came to a muddy flat and went down to their ankles. Dick was ahead and he cried to the others. "Stop! It's not fit to walk here!"

As illustrating the attitude of the phantom in Orion, let the reader allow me to quote the tremendous passage: 'So saying, with delight he snuff'd the smell Of mortal change on earth. But the lower lip, which is drawn inwards with the curve of a conch shell, oh what a convolute of cruelty and revenge is there! Cruelty! to whom? Revenge! for what? Ask not, whisper not.

She got off the track just as the night express come around the curve, goin' ninety-five miles an hour. "This man says to her, 'Genevieve, will you come to me now, and let me put you out of this dread villain's power forever? Then he opened his arms and the beautiful Genevieve fled to them as to some ark of safety and laid her pale and weary face upon his lovin' and forgivin' heart.

There was still desperate fighting to do for many days, and the curve of the Ypres salient had been reduced to a narrow oblong stretching from Ypres to Grafenstafel and the Polygon Wood, and little more than half in breadth what it was in length. A shortening of the line was inevitable, and it was effected with great skill and little loss on 3-4 May.

These varied from sixteen to twenty-two feet in length, with an upward curve towards each end. Laths were introduced from stem to stern instead of planks they were provided with a gunwhale or edging which, though slight, added strength to the fabric the whole was covered on the outside with deer skins sewed together and fastened by stitching the edges round the gunwhale.

God, how often when I was riding through solitary wastes I have recalled those hours, every look of your dear eyes, every curve of those sweet lips hold them up to me, dearest! every tone of your voice, the low, musical voice the memory of which had power to set every nerve tingling with longing and despair.

At last, close together, they rounded a curve in the road, and crossed a small bridge with a creek running below, and McKay knew his arm should be able to send a stone to what he was seeking ahead. And then, a minute later, he drew in a great gasping breath of unbelief and horror. For the settlement was no longer in the clearing between him and the rim-glow of the moon.