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"Then there's a girl," said I; for I was far Westerner enough to know that all the girls ever seen west of the Pecos came from Kansas, the same as all the baled hay and all the fresh butter. Potatoes came from Iowa; but butter, hay, and girls came from Kansas. I asked Curly if the head of the new family came from Leavenworth. "'Course he did," said Curly.

"Y' see, it ain't no good." Buck nodded at the doorway. "You mean ?" "The prospect," Beasley broke in and laughed. "Say, we sure been suckers stayin' around so long. Ther' ain't no gold within a hundred miles of us. We're just lyin' rottin' around like stinkin' sheep." Curly nodded. "Sure. That's why we held a meeting. We're goin' to up stakes an' git." "Where to?"

They stared at Becky as she went down-stairs, a little white figure in her thin blue dressing-gown, her bronze hair twisted into a curly topknot, her feet in small blue slippers. The telephone was on a small table under the portrait of the greatest grandfather. He had a high nose, and a fine clear complexion, and he looked really very much alive as he gazed down at Becky.

A brown, breezy man, in a blue jacket, with no hat on the curly head, which he shook now and then like a water dog; broad-shouldered, alert in his motions, and with a general air of strength and stability about him which pleased Rose, though she could not explain the feeling of comfort it gave her.

Anne was still standing embarrassed in her doorway when the opposite door opened and facing her stood the bird-like lady whom she had seen the afternoon before. Miss Drayton kissed her nephew good-morning, straightened his necktie, and smoothed down a rebellious lock of curly dark hair.

In the Twentieth team the forward line was composed of Jack Ross, Curly Ross's brother, Fusie, Davie Scotch, and Don Cameron. The center was played by Hughie, with three little chaps who made up for their lack of weight by their speed and skill.

Enoch quickened his mule's pace and Diana fell in behind him. Mack and Curly were standing beside the blaze at the edge of the plateau. Enoch jumped from the saddle. "I'm awfully sorry, fellows! But you see, I was detained by a lady!" "For heaven's sake, Diana!" cried Mack. "Where did you come from?" "Hello, Mack! Hello, Curly!" Diana dismounted and shook hands.

She was too much frightened to know whether he had been wholly graceful in his endeavors to serve her, and too thankful for her escape to think that possibly her torn dress was the result of his rather awkward handling. She remembered only the dark, handsome face which bent so near to hers, the brown, curly head actually bumping against her own, as he stooped to gather the stolen apples.

She would always remember just how he looked, standing there with the sunshine on his yellow mop of curly hair, his chubby face smiling and then whitening suddenly as they both heard a sound behind them. She turned to see Anthony Crawford standing upon the stair.

It was a rapidly told story full of lurid trimmings, and, judging by its force, came from his heart. "It's duffing, boys," he cried, with an oath, and a thump on the bar which set the glasses, filled at his expense, rattling. "Dogone cattle-duffing! Can you beat it? The first in five year, since Curly Sanders got gay, and then spent a vacation treadin' air.