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Malgré cela, I will return if you wish it, since you got it in my behalf." Rose's steed trotted peaceably beside the sled to the farm-house door. All the way, the wounded hero lay looking up at the graceful girl, with the rose-red cheeks and auburn curls, and thinking, perhaps, if he were any judge of pictures, what a pretty picture she made.

There was a long silence; the cuckoo called the quarter twice; August dropped asleep, his curls falling over his face; Dorothea's wheel hummed like a cat. Suddenly Karl Strehla struck his hand on the table, sending the pipe on the ground. "I have sold Hirschvogel," he said; and his voice was husky and ashamed in his throat. The spinning-wheel stopped. August sprang erect out of his sleep.

"It might be useful yet," he would say, when his son Harry pressed him to make the alteration. As the traveller reached the old moss-grown bridge he paused for a minute or two, and looked down at the broad deep trench. "God grant it never may be wanted," he murmured; and then he threw back his long brown curls that clustered round his head, and spurred his horse on at a quicker pace.

In the beginning, for instance, she wore curls hanging over her cheeks, and I painted them accordingly; but some time after, this having gone out of fashion, she came back with her hair dressed in a totally different manner, so that I was forced to scrape off the hair I had painted on the face, and was likewise compelled to blot out a brow-band of pearls and put cameos in its place.

High upon her head the glistening mass was fastened, then cunningly the little curls were pulled loose, and were permitted to go free about the smooth brow and white neck. Then with an instinct that did not play her false, she donned the marvellous garments. She was finished at last. The new, palpitating woman.

A few locks of hair, mingled white and black, like a magpie's wing, had strayed from beneath the Colonel's cap; while thick, fair curls clustered about the magistrate's temples.

She was a very pretty old lady, with dark eyes, cheeks still rosy, lovely loose waves of short snowy curls, and a neat, active little figure, which looked well in the good black silks in which I contrived to invest her. Good old woman, she thought us all shockingly full of worldliness, little guessing how much gaiety was due to her meek presence among us.

"Can't you see he is?" she replied somewhat scornfully. I was a young man, and interested in the question. "Won't he ever eat any dinner till he's got over it?" I asked. She looked round sharply at me, but apparently decided that I was only foolish. "You wait till your time comes," she answered, shaking her curls at me. "You won't care much about your dinner not if you are really in love."

He was six and I was eighteen, and he used to ride on my back! Black curls all over, Sidi, and big white eyes that looked at you for all they couldn't see. Well a bleeder came from Soos curse his great-grandfather! Looked at little Hosain 'Scales! said he burn his father! Bleed him and he'll see! So they bled him, and he did see. By Allah! yes, for a minute half a minute!

And he clasped her to him, and when she kissed his thin, streaked hair, and spoke of those dear flowing curls, to which love and care would restore their beauty, I swore a solemn vow before God that I would never look on the union of Herdegen and Ann but with thanksgiving and without envy, and ever do all that in me lay for those two and for their welfare.